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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

The Royal Scots Fusiliers at Mons

Arthur Adamson

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Good morning all,


Whenever I have reached a complete impasse in my research, I have turned to this forum for the answer. The depth of knowledge on this site is, quite frankly, astonishing.


So, here I am once again requesting assistance. I am trying to find the names of any sergeants serving with the 1st Bn RSF at Mons, who not only survived the battle but who also survived the war. It is relatively easy to research the fallen, but much more difficult to study those who lived. I would dearly like to discover how their careers played out?


If anybody is able to provide any information, I would be most grateful. I appreciate that it is a somewhat spurious and very specific question, but any replies would be most welcomely received. 


Oh, and as a postscript, would anybody happen to know which German unit(s) the battalion fought in the battle? So far, I have found two contenders in the 20th (3rd Brandenburg) Infantry Regiment, ‘Count Tauentzien von Wittenburg’ and the 64th (8th Brandenburg) Infantry Regiment ‘General Field Marshal Prince Fredrick Charles of Prussia’, both from the German 6th Division. 


Again, any clarification would be much appreciated.


Thank you. 


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Off the cuff you could seek the War Diary for this unit for mentions or even a possible nom roll on landing (?) There may also be help from 1914 Star Medal Rolls which may take a while to analyse but which should give a start point to check if survivals went through the war.

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For info the 1914 Star ledger for 1 RSF is here


The pages covering 1 Battalion ORs are from 4 to 160 but aren't segregated by rank !

You can access either by Ancestry UK or the NA Discovery database.

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Good afternoon sotonmate,


Thanks for taking the time to reply to my topic. I have read the war diary, but sadly it is very brief and only mentions by name commissioned officers who were killed or wounded in the action. I'll certainly have a look at the 1914 star ledger, that will be very helpful, its a good starting point. 


Thanks for the steer. 

Edited by Arthur Adamson
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There are other databases which can contribute too. In the absence of any lists from the Regimental museum or Histories you can bring up Sergeants who have died during the duration of the war from Soldiers Died in the Great War. I did a sample search by entering Regiment,Year,Rank and Battalion and got a good list, but you have to check that they are not including other Battalions with a 1 in it ! The lists show the Territorial units, such as 1/4 1/5 etc. I entered 1914 and got into 1916 with that list,and then 1916 and went on into 1918 !

The Medal Rolls seem to show those who died too, and are likely to show those discharged as well, viz.Silver War Badge etc.

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Good afternoon sotonmate,


Thank you again for the additional information. I will certainly research that now. I wish I could get hold of an august 1914 nominal roll, but alas I fear it might be rather difficult to lay my hands on. Still, the search goes on! I really am grateful for your assistance, it's most welcome.


Thanks again. 

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  • 4 months later...

Good morning Andrew,


Thank you so much. That was facinating. A thoroghly enjoyable read. Thank you so much for taking the time to share this. What a career! 


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