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T3034 Pte George William Albert Moore 2/4 Royal West Surrey Regiment


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Looking at the following gent and finding it hard to get much information on him so any assistance would be greatly received.

T3034 Pte George William Albert Moore

2/4 Royal West Surrey, Queens Reg


died 9th Aug 1915, Gallipoli and remembered on the Helles Memorial.


i have found his


-Medals issued form for VM & BWM

-soldiers Effects which shows his wages were split between 5 half brothers and 5 half sisters.


if you do find anything can you link it to Ancestry as this is what I have and can find it this way.


thanks in advance 


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LLT has:-


2/4th Battalion
Formed at Croydon in August 1914 as Second Line unit. Attached to 2/Surrey Brigade, 2/Home Counties Division.
24 April 1915 : moved to 160th Brigade, 53rd Division. Initially joined as a composite unit with 2/5th Queen’s, but restored to become 2/4th again after two months.
18 July 1915: departed from Devonport for service with the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force. Landed at Gallipoli 9 August 1915.



So literally he died the day they landed.

War Diary will be on Ancestry - sorry, I don't subscribe so can't link.

However a basic transcript can be seen here: http://qrrarchive.websds.net/PDF/QWD0241915002.pdf

It includes details of the action in which he most probably died.


As you are no doubt aware, there is no age or additional family information on his CWGC webpage.

https://www.cwgc.org/find-records/find-war-dead/casualty-details/688836/GEORGE WILLIAM ALBERT MOORE/


Soldiers Died in the Great War records that Private T/3034 George William Albert Moore was Killed in Action on the 9th August 1915 while serving at Gallipoli with the 2/4th Battalion, Queens, (Royal West Surrey Regiment). He was resident Penge, Kent and enlisted Croydon, Surrey. No place of birth is shown.


Assuming he was born in either England or Wales, ( a big assumption), there are potentially three possibles from the birth record for a George William A. Moore - Keighley, Yorkshire District, (Q4 1874),  Barton Regis District, Gloucestershire, (Q2, 1882) and Depwade District, Norfolk, (Q4, 1892), but a quick look through the possible census matches for those three individuals doesn't immediately bring up any half-brothers and sisters - although there are gaps in their census records. I also couldn't see a likely George Moore living at Penge on the 1911 Census of England & Wales.


As far as the birth and census details are concerned, as you have the details of the 5 half brothers and 5 half-sisters would probably speed things up if you listed them.






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Hi Peter thank you for that. The war diary states that they are dropped on C beach at 0245 and by 12 in the afternoon 8 officer missing or wounded, 250 OR killed, missing or wounded. 

his Half brothers were

Walter H

Charles Pratt

Frederick G




his Half sorters were 

Mabel Boniface

Maud Pratt

Dorothy Smart

Elizabeth R


plus sister 

Elizabeth Moore


cheers D


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Hi D,


He probably joined up in mid October 1914. Some 4th Bn attestations show:


3027 Packer - attested 19.10.1914

3029 Venner - attested 19.10.1914

3032 Loasby - attested 15.10.1914


3039 Kilner - attested 19.10.1914

3041 Harris - attested 19.10.1914

3044 Cayley - attested 19.10.1914




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I’m assuming from that that the stepfamily surname was Pratt, and that by the time the balance of pay due to George William Albert Moore was sent out, two of the half-sisters had married.


There is a marriage of a Mabel Florence Pratt to an Alfred James Boniface registered in the Wandsworth District of London in the October to December quarter, (Q4), of 1904.


Mabel Florence Boniface, aged 24 and a married woman born Battersea, London is recorded on the 1911 Census of England & Wales living at 56 Sabine Road, Battersea, London S.W. That address falls within the Wandsworth Civil Registration District. She lives there with her husband of six years, Alfred James.


The birth of a Mabel Florence Pratt, mothers’ maiden name Cox, was registered with the Civil Authorities in the Wandsworth District in the April to June quarter, (Q2), of 1886.


Other potential siblings of Mabel Florence, registered with the mothers’ maiden name Cox.

Charles Albert Pratt, Wandsworth District, Q3 1883.

Alice Maud Pratt, Wandsworth District, Q4 1880

(Other than the GRO site itself, which I’ve never mastered, other genealogy websites are hit and miss as to whether the mothers’ maiden name is transcribed).


As Alice Maud Pratt would have been the only one of the three to appear on the 1881 Census of England & Wales, I then looked for her, bearing in mind she turns up later using the name Maud. There is a 6 month old Maud A. Pratt, born Wandsworth, Surrey, who is recorded on that Census living in one of the households at No.8. Shirley Grove, Battersea. She lives there with her parents, John Pratt, (aged 31, Unemployed Coachman, born Chatham, Kent) and Eliza Pratt, (aged 30, born Mayfield, Kent). As well as Maud the couple have another daughter, Rosa, (aged 4, born Wandsworth).


Moving on to the 1891 Census, a lot has happened. The family are recorded living at 62 Wickersley Road, Battersea, but the head of the household is now the 40 year old widow, Eliza Pratt. Eliza is now shown as born Sussex and working as a Laundress to support her family. Children shown as unmarried and living with her are:-

George Pratt……aged 18……born Stroud……Hairdresser

Eliza R. Pratt……aged 17……born Surrey…..Laundress

Rose A. Pratt……aged 13……born Battersea

Maud Pratt………aged 10……born Battersea

Philadelphia N. Pratt…aged 9…born Battersea

Charles A Pratt…...aged 7…….born Battersea

Mabel Pratt………aged 4……..born Battersea


And again much had changed by the time of the 1901 Census of England & Wales. Head of the household at 68 Beaufoy Road, Battersea is the 50 year old widow Eliza “Moore”, a Charwoman, born Mayfield, Sussex. Living with her are her stepsons Frank Moore, (aged 21, a Goods Porter, born Devonshire), and Bert Moore, (aged 6, born Battersea). Also in the household are her own children:-

Maud Pratt………aged 20...born Battersea…..Charwoman

Philadelphia Pratt..aged 19..born Battersea….Dressmaker

Mabel Pratt…….aged 15….born Battersea….Dressmaker

Plus there is an adopted son, Tudor Thomas, (aged 8, born Battersea), and a Nurse Child, Thomas Ellis, (aged 4, born Camberwell, London).


So at some point after the 1891 Census and after the birth of “Bert”, (circa 1894, is this our George William Albert Moore?), it appears Eliza had married Berts’ father and then had been widowed. However when the birth of a George William B. Moore was registered in the Wandsworth District in the October to December quarter, (Q4), of 1894, the mothers’ maiden name is shown as Cox.

However I’m struggling to identify the marriage of an Eliza Pratt or Cox to a Mr Moore between 1881 and 1891. While that could be simply be a result of errors in the attempts made to cross reference who married who in the quarterly lists of marriages issued by the General Registrars Office, it may actually be a common-law marriage. Unless it was a sheer coincidence I suspect Eliza was either the biological mother of George William B. Moore or registered it in her name as the child was that of one of her younger unmarried daughters.


The only connection back to the earlier censuses was the 21 year old Frank Moore. And there I runs into the sand. No earlier or later matches in the Census record and no likely match in the birth records.


Which leaves the sister Elizabeth Moore from the Register of Soldiers Effects but even she seems elusive. I can see a 15 year old Elizabeth Moore recorded in the Wandsworth District on the 1881 Census, but she was a live in servant, born Marylebone, London. There are just too many matches for that young lady on the 1871 Census.


Having found “Bert” on the 1901 Census of England & Wales, he has eluded me on the 1911 Census of England & Wales.


Hope at least some of this helps,




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  • spof changed the title to T3034 Pte George William Albert Moore 2/4 Royal West Surrey Regiment


  thanks for such detailed research it helps a lot. Just a shame I can’t find anything on George William Albert Moore besides military items. 

thank you again   


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