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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

1st city of london regiment

Guest claire parrish

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Guest claire parrish

I am searchin for info/history of 1st City of London regiment which I believe became part of Royal Fusiliers.My grandfather Walter Herbert Hoare was a private in 1916.

My mother believed he had served in India at one time.

Any information gratefully received.Thankyou es:

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You will find the battalion's Great War service here. The battalion was indeed affiliated to the Royal Fusiliers, and became that regiment's 8th Battalion in 1936 or so.

As for service in India, in WWII the 8th Bn sailed around half the world ending up in Italy, but I don't know about India.




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Without further information with which to define which battalion he was in you need to see the activities of the 1/1st, 2/1st and 3/1st. 1/1st was mainly in France spending most of its time with the 56th (1st London) Division. The 2/1st was at Gallipoli then Egypt before returning to France and mostly merging with the 1/1st before the opening of the Battle of the Somme. the 3/1st became the 2/1st when that was disbanded and spent its time abroad in France from 1917 onwards.

As you can see, to find out precisely what he did you need to find out which of these battalions he was in.

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