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Coldstream Guards WW2


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I have a group to a Pte Ernest Fantham who served in ww1. I noticed that there is a Pte Fantham who was killed in WW2 also with the Cold Gds - his father being Ernest Fantham. Are they related father/son? Seems an unusual name and a bit of a concidence.

Any one got any ideas if I can prove this? I cant get hold of his papers for ww1

All help appreciated

Cheers Ian

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having got his papers I now know they are father and son

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was william henry Fantham a relation as well?

11083 Pte KIA 22/12/14

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Just thought i would have a go at the numbers game, happy new year

what like the lottery of the forum numbers game?


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was william henry Fantham a relation as well?

11083 Pte KIA 22/12/14

I ll check his papers..

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Nothing shown on the papers but they both lived Birmingham so could be related

Another set of papers to find next time..

Thanks for the pointer

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Well well, what a coincidence!

I acquired 11083 Gdsn William Henry FANTHAM's single BWM from a medal dealer's catalogue in August 1978, for the princely sum of £3.50. I worked out he was born at Small Heath, Warwicks. and enlisted Birmingham, was KIA in France with 1st Coldstream Gds on 22.12.14 aged 19, and appears on the Le Touret Memorial to the missing (nok mother Mrs Louisa Richardson, 50 Newport Road, Balsall Heath, Birmingham).

It was disposed of with many other WW1 medals in October 1986, to another dealer, to finance my by then growing family!! If you're desperate for details of who the seller/buyer was, PM me, but I'm afraid I didn't get any more details than CWGC & SDGW could provide back in those days...all the rest of my collection followed suit by about 1988 (mainly Welsh interest).

First time I've come across mention of a soldier from my old collection on this Forum.

Have you noticed CWGC also list an EDWARD FANTHAM of 2nd CGds died 1916, family also from Birmingham?

About 8 Fanthams (all Army) on their WW1 database. Many of the others (where details given) lived in Buckinghamshire.



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Small world

Never really looked any further than the ww2 soldier but these are probably all related.

The group I have the chap wasnt in the CG originally but transferred across so could be more before ww1...

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