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Hugh Lees Schulze - Medal Card


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A local newspaper on 31 October 1918 reported that:

Galashiels. Lieut. Hugh Schulze. Dorset Regiment (killed), was the youngest son of Mr_Wm. Scbulze, Brunswick Hill, Galashiels. He enlisted as a private in the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, and. after serving in France, received his commission in the Dorsets. Lieut. Schulze, together with his brother Rudolph, who was killed some time ago while serving as a private in the Cameron Highlanders, were partners in the Continental Chocolate Company, and had their works at Portobello.


I'm trying to find a Medal Roll or Card for his time with the Argylls - can anyone help please?

Hugh Lees Schulze was commissioned in the Dorsetshire Regt. in May 1918 and I have found a Medal Card for him as a 2nd Lt. but nothing for any earlier service.

His brother William Rudolph Schulze, Pte 21945 died on 18 July 1916.

An older brother also served in the Dorset Regt. after enlisting in the Canadian Infantry as Pte. 25763 - Charles Frederick Lees Schulze.


Many thanks



Edited by kenmorrison
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I have quite a lot about his brother Charles who joined the ADRIC and “burnt  Cork”. And includes family information



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tootrock - thank you so much for finding Hugh's Medal Card for his service with the Argylls.


corisande - thank you for the link to Charles and to his family history. Lots of excellent "stuff"!

Can I mention one thing - on his attestation papers he mentions his brother Rudolph at Portobello N.B.

This refers to Portobello near Edinburgh not to New Brunswick.

The Edinburgh Electoral Register for 1914/1915 shows Hugh and William Rudolph lodging at 30 Esplanade Terrace, Portobello.

The NB refers I think to North Britain - the vain attempt to incorporate Scotland into Great Britain - whatever happened to that idea???


There is an excellent brief history of the family's Continental Chocolate Factory at Portobello at 



Many thanks


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Thanks for the New Brunswick correction. You can see why ,on Canadian enlistment papers, I thought it was that and not North Britain

on reflection I am sure I have come across NB in other instances and thought that

It could not possibly be New Brunswick, but had no idea what it was

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