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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Who can flip the Mannock FE2b picture, please?

Kimberley John Lindsay

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Dear All,

The attached scan is from "Richthofen Jagdstaffel Ahead" by Peter McNanus (Grub Street, 2008).

It is unfortunately reversed.

This detracts somewhat from the historical aspect of the snapshot.

The RFC lumIMG_20200604_0001.jpg.b35cf12104f6fd84729bd314f196fe66.jpginaries in front of the FE2b: 1) Godfrey; 2) Kennedy; 3) Mannock; 4) Bond.

Could a GWF aficionado kindly flip the photo for me, please?

I lack the expertise to do so myself...

Kindest regards,


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Dear tootrock,

Many thanks for your prompt and much appreciated action. Super!

Now I can stick the print-out on the back of the book - the photograph having taken on a more, say, historical aspect.

Bond's MC ribbon can be clearly seen, as well as the typical RFC-like mode of attire...

Kindest regards,


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Dear Graeme,

Yes, indeed. Very much better. Thank you!


William Arthur (Bill) Bond, already had the MC, having served with the Infantry in Gallipoli and France. A journalist pre-Great War, he had met the erudite writer Aimee McHardy and they eventually married in January 1917. Upon his death (a direct flak hit) she wrote "An Airman's Wife" (re-published in 2005 by Grub Street). It is worthwhile quoting part of this, found in "Richthofen Jagdstaffel Ahead" (Grub Street, 2008):-


'On that Sunday morning your life went out "into the ether" and you left me here.

From higher than the highest hill you came spinning down.

Your body, that belonged to me, must have made a big hole in the ground.

And I, who could have rendered living beautiful for you, even if you had been crippled,

or disfigured, or blinded, may not touch nor hear nor see you any more.

My useless tears are falling.'


Kindest regards,


Edited by Kimberley John Lindsay
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