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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Captain Hubert Frederick Ling MC


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I've had a request from some friends in Framlingham, Suffolk as to what this chap did to be awarded the Military Cross on 1st January 1917. It seemed easy at first because he was in the Suffolk Regiment but then I discovered that he had been transferred to the DLI 11th Pioneer Battalion. I have the War Diary for the battalion but so far have been unable to find any serious action by this battalion in the last month or so of 1916. They were re-building trenches and recovering corpses.


Would someone enlighten me as to why this soldier got the MC for " distinguished service in the field" (see attached).


Many thanks.

Annotation 2020-05-19 181325.jpg

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New Years Honour List, might have been for continual good work over a period of time and not one particular event.



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Could this award be for the work his Company did repairing trenches and clearing corpses after the Somme Offensive ended?

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Captain Ling was seriously wounded in the leg, serving with 1/4th Suffolks, on 18th August 1916 during a failed attack on a German trench in the High Wood area. According to the Framlingham Weekly News he was still convalescing at home when he was gazetted for his MC, so it seems possible that he got his medal for this action. The newspaper promises to reveal the reason for his award but have not been able to find anything yet,

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Thank you for that. The attack is described in Capt. Stormont Gibbs book which I have. There is a brief word about the D company officer knocking back whisky before going over the top, as if it would be his last although Ling is not mentioned by name. The attack was another costly failure.

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