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Dear all

I like many others have my reservations about E-bay even though I am now upto over 200 transactions both buying and selling. However from this day on I will not hear a bad word ever again said about this trading community.

Behold! Pawned in Liverpool in 1927 and recently aquired off E-Bay my great grandfather's brother John P Dwyer's 14 Star and Bar Trio! With sweaty palms and baited breath I put my bid in with one minute to go (£551) excessive I know, but I did not want to miss them success and for £211 which seemed a good price to me for a private in the 15th Hussars?

John P Dwyer private (1761) First theatre of war France 16.8.1914 enlisted 18.12.07 Discharged 4.2.1919 cause given as 392 (XV1)? any ideas what this means. Wonder if I will ever turn up his silver war badge number 270584. With my luck who knows!


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If only i could find my grandfathers!! :(



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John P Dwyer private (1761) First theatre of war France 16.8.1914 enlisted 18.12.07 Discharged 4.2.1919 cause given as  392 (XV1)? any ideas what this means.

Congratulations! Kings Regulations 1912 Paragraph 392 Class (xvi) simply means 'No longer physically fit for War Service'.


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Wonderful story of something "coming home". Wonder what the odds are?

Putting my cynical hat on for a moment, I just wonder what you would now be saying about ebay if you had been "sniped" in the last five seconds? :lol::lol:

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Gary thanks for the information.

As for being sniped, most Hussars 14 Star Trios are going for around £250/275. So I thought I was reasonably safe with the bid of £551 with a minute to go, thankfully I was :lol:

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Congrats on your success, are buying a lottery ticket next to see if your luck continues??????

Seriously though, I am really pleased to hear your news.



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Well done! It does happen!

I don't want to be seen as nit-picking but the ribbon is the wrong way round on the Star. - should be red/white/blue from left. :)

Sorry - goes back into box!

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Hi Terry

well spotted Sir!

I was aware of this but as the BWM and Victory are on original silk ribbon and the 14 Star is on modern weave (yeuch) I thought I would leave well alone until I aquire a good length of original ribbon.

Just for Pals info I am sure many already know I have been looking for this group for 25 years. On ebay I have my family name set up as a "favourite" search. That way e-bay sends me an e-mail every time an item is listed with Dwyer in the text or title of the listing!

So far I have purchased two single medals not related to me and then Bingo third time lucky.

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Well done. It just makes you wonder where they have been for the last 68 years!

Also, what are the odds that they stayed together and didnt become seperated. Amazing stuff.

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Great stuff, well done, I am very pleased for you.


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Well done! I must admit that on a few occasions (and not even involving family medals) I have seen trios or pairs on ebay that I simply had to have, so I did just as you did - placed a huge bid to guarantee success. Generally I have beeb pleasantly surprised and have got the items for reasonable sums.

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Excellent - well done. :P

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Hi There, :)

Well Done ! It warms my heart when things like that COME HOME !



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