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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

2/south wales borderers in India, 1919-1921


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I realise that this is technically outside the GWF scope but feel that someone may be able to set me on the right path! Clive Hughes has kindly informed me (another thread elsewhere on GWF) that 2/SWB arrived in Jhansi on in November 1919, continuing the interrupted sojourn they had been engaged in before the war (not in Jhansi then). The battalion was not used during the Third Afghan War and did not see any significant action. 

I should be very grateful to have some idea what they did do during this period? Presumably drilling, training, long-distance marches? Anything else? Thinking of Charles Allan's oral histories, officers would have had opportunities for hunting?

Also if anyone has any specific knowledge of Jhansi at this time it would be very much appreciated. Was there a club for officers specifically, or did they visit one used by resident local Britons? Was there a significant British community? I am pretty sure my subject (a captain) took his brand-new wife with him.

Thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer.

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