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TR Battalion number?


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My great uncle was in a TR Battalion before he was sent to join 7th Bn KOYLI. Is it possible to find what battlion of the TR he was in by his TR number. Also I have read the section on TR battlaions on this website and i have a couple of questions. If my uncle was in a TR battlion doe sthis mean he was conscripted? At what age would he be conscripted/sent from the TR battalion to a 'field' battalion, he was 19 in april 1918.

Any infomation would be appreciated


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If your man had a six-digit TF number, then yes you should be able to locate which TF btn of a regiment he was allocated to. However, if you narrow it down to say the 5th btn, it could be 1/5th, 2/5th or 3/5th.

I've just realised I read TR as TF - time for some specs!

If you have any idea where he did his training, you might be able to narrow him down to the TR btns based there.

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He was fomerley 82577, TR BATTN. Not a 6 didgit number, this infomation I got off an SDGW printout. Am I right in thinking that if he was in a TR battalion he was conscripted late 1916? How long after this would he of been sent to the fromt?



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If he was in a TR (training battalion), then my understanding is that he will have been conscripted as he must have joined during the latter part of 1916, or later. He'll have been conscripted when he was 18 - so around April 1917 from the info you've given. By 1917, the training perio was quite short - a matter of only a few weeks. You often read accounts in war diaries of "untrained" men arriving to fight.


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