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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Arras Memorial

Chris Noble

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It just seems that every time i visit the Arras Memorial to the Missing, the instances of inscriptions being 'highlighted', by whatever means, seems to get worse. One thought that really gets me though is, is it the relatives of these people commemorated that are doing this? :(

Regards, Chris.

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Whilst I don't condone the vandalism I can understand it. It is only natural to want a photo of a relative's commemoration and the Arras Memorial is one of the hardest to photograph. Most of the ones I took of the Ox & Bucks section failed to show up.

Perhaps the time has came for CWGC to act and "ink in" the names as has been done on Menin Gate.



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I can appreciate what you are saying, i always struggle to photograph graves/ memorials etc., maybe the time of the day, the sun casting shadows etc. etc. I think it boils down to experience and i can also appreciate that some people don't have the time to hang around to accomplish this. But, it seems like the advent of the indelible marker pen is rearing it's ugly head. Yesterday at the memorial, marker, mud, just scribbles,everything. I think the only reason the memorial at Thiepval has escaped this is that nobody has 50 foot long arms.

In fact, come to think of it, some of the 'highlights' looked like somebody had to have been on somebodys shoulders, seems ridiculous.

Regards, Chris.

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I don't condone this, but if you've travelled across the world, say, to visit grandad's name on a memorial that is so worn that you cannot even see it, what do you do!

Brian is absolutely right, it is time for it to be properly 'inked in,' as it is on the Menin Gate & indeed, in a shade of red, on Lone Pine. It looks cleaner & definitely makes photography more viable.

Incidentally it does occasionally occur on Thiepval at the accessible levels & indeed on headstones, sadly.

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Thanks for your thoughts on the subject, some interesting points raised.

I think the way forward as you say is to 'ink in' the inscriptions but, obviously, this would take time and alot of money. The price of progress :unsure:

Regards, Chris.

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