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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Tommy Cooker


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The war diary for the 12th Regiment 2nd Div AIF records an order in early January 1917 that all battalions were instructed to purchase Tommy Cookers and to improve them before going into line. Why would they need to purchase them (as distinct from being issued) and what might the improvements have been? I am researching my grandfathers experience in the 17th Battalion. 


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I've always understood it that the soldier at war or on exercise would have been fed and watered by regimental cooks using essentially, mobile cooking facilities. With deployment into Belgium in 1914 a great many things began to change rapidly. Men were on the move and the normal supply chain was being severely tested before long. The Tommy or Trench cooker as it was often known, was a really neat solution to the problem of how to get sufficient heat-up simply, so that a brew could be made, or a bit of bacon cooked etc. I've always assumed these cookers had been invented before the war - possibly for movements such as the Scouts? Their use to the soldier in the field must have been spotted very quickly and I imagine they were high on the list of wants within a few months of the war.


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Here is an example missing the stove element. It boldly claims 3 million at the front make of that what you will.




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If Mark's item is the one in question, there were officer quality versions available for private purchase too.







2268 cropped.jpg

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the posted images are for officers the soldiers Tommy cooker is much smaller and is for placing solid fuel blocks on

look at tommypackfillers and Geoff has some examples on his sight

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Hi Dave,


I am happy to be corrected but is the version on Tommy's pack fillers website also a private purchase item?






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Hi Mark

I believe they were all private purchase items, as I’ve never seen one with any issues stamps or similar 

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