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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum


Harvey H

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Good evening gents,

Doing some research on my Great Great Grandfather, and this word here next to occupation has got me stumped. Please could someone shed some light? I've slowly but surely got better at reading 100 year old handwriting, but sometimes it stumps me. 


Kindest regards and many thanks in advance,



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Thank you for the speedy reply Johnboy, really appreciate it :D 

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I use to find it hard reading some of the old writing.but after looking at  a lot of service records it makes it easier!

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Agreed mate, since I started doing family history I've read no end of war diary entries and it's got a bit easier. For example, in the war diary of the 1/4th Leicesters I've gotten used to the officers style of handwriting, so I know now how he writes certain letters and they no longer confuse me, however the document above is for a different family member so it had me confused. 

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Sometimes knowing the context helps. Then see if a guess fits. Works  regularly!

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Thanks mate, i'll bear that in mind. I should've made the connection between the abbreviation for Discharged and the date listed next to it. 

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