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German 07/14 feldrock.


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Been after one of these for quite awhile.  I'm on a self imposed exile from militaria now....


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It’s very nice though 

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Make sure you sneeze into a paper handkerchief, then throw it away and wash your hands, at all times whilst in your self imposed exile......

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It looks great, any chance you could show us the back and in side of the jacket whilst in exile, before the other half finds out and puts a hit out on you.🤫



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Superb TT. Thanks for sharing your latest find.



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Here is a soldier from IR16 as featured in 

Germany : Fritz Limbach - letters from the front - 1915

Is it the same regiment 

Infanterie-Regiment Freiherr von Sparr (3. Westfälisches) Nr.16



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  • 1 month later...

Have only just seen this thread -congratulations!


A fantastic example of a 07/14 feldrock -if memory serves this was once part of a very advanced collection which was recently auctioned in Germany....in my opinion you got the best tunic on offer (even better than the Hessen Garde example) in terms of combat tunics, I think it even has matching markings to JR16 inside.


Un-messed with infantry other ranks tunics in the M07 series are super-rare -I was lucky enough to get one from the Baldwin collection when it was sold in 2018- and I think you'll never regret buying this one.


All the best



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Hi P.B. Yes super pleased to have got this. It’s everything I could have asked for and is probably the pinnacle of my collecting now. How can I beat this? Which tunic did you get from the Baldwin auction. I made it to the first and last but missed the middle one. Some great stuff. I got some pieces and was pleased.

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Does anyone know which IR16 this jacket belonged to - I am asking because I do not know.

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30 minutes ago, Martin Feledziak said:

Does anyone know which IR16 this jacket belonged to - I am asking because I do not know.


Not sure what you are asking. Which battalion? IR or RIR? Can you clarify. Thanks. AFAIK its simply IR 16. German Army.

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The Baldwin auctions were great -not only to see so many excellent pieces, but also to see other collectors in a time when most of us increasingly build our collections via the internet.  I managed to get the M07/14 Prussian infantry other rank's tunic featured on pages 10-13 of "Feldzug 1916" -photos attached- as well as some other nice pieces across the three sales.  Some tunics went for quite reasonable prices but the issue M07s were hotly contested -over £8k for an amazing identified IR 74 tunic in the middle sale, and around £6.5k for some of the other ones.


Martin -this regiment is Infanterie-Regiment "Freiherr von Sparr" (3. Westfalisches) Nr 16.


All the best








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Yes Ive studied this tunic in the book and was there at the auction. I know a Belgian fella who got a few nice ones. I kinda kicked myself for not getting a tunic but its all worked out. I got some nice stick grenades as featured in the books. Plus a gas mask filter in its carry pouch with a lovely souvenir label as featured in the last book.

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22 minutes ago, trenchtrotter said:

simply IR 16. German Army


19 minutes ago, P.B. said:

"Freiherr von Sparr" (3. Westfalisches) Nr 16.


 Thanks Paul.


There is a Bayer IR16 which has had me over before.

Chap 4 on this display.



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Bavarian units had different buttons, lions as opposed to crowns. 

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Martin -you're welcome.


TT- I had a couple of chats with the Belgian collector as well -a nice guy with a very large collection.  Sounds like you picked up some excellent pieces -there were some superb items like the gas mask filter with impeccable souvenir provenance.  I have one stick grenade that was part of that collection (pictured), but again there were many fine examples on offer, and I think many collectors filled long-standing gaps in their collections with items from these sales.


Fortunately for all of our wallets, collections like this don't get sold that often!


Take care everyone, all the best





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That tunic of Micky's was turned up in the 1980s by the late Jack Hobbs, "Jack the Docker", and sold by him to another Imperial German collector who sold it to Micky a few years later, where it remained until the auction. I saw it when Jack had it and it was exactly as it is now.


I don't think there'll be another collection like that on the market. Micky was "the" premier British collector of Imperial German militaria and had over 40 years of knowledge and experience. He was also very discriminating with a superb eye, and everything in the collection was both 100% genuine and good of its type. His unexpected hospitalisation and death from cardiac problems came as a shocking surprise to his many friends.


I took these photos of Micky's collection room with his permission in 2014. Fellow collectors may be interested to see them, get an idea of the scope of the collection - not everything is visible here - and perhaps recognise some pieces. I'm sure he wouldn't have objected to me posting them now. The poor quality is due to the light in the darkened room and the phone camera I had at the time.


Micky's collection room 2014 (1).jpg

Micky's collection room 2014 (2).jpg

Micky's collection room 2014 (3).jpg

Micky's collection room 2014 (4).jpg

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Hi Wainfleet


Many, many thanks for posting those photos and for giving some background information to that tunic -the story of how pioneering collections were formed and how collectors operated and interacted in those days is now part of the history of the items, and am sure many younger collectors are a little envious -not just at the availability and prices in those days (which is all relative anyway) but also about the networking and social side of the hobby that can be a little more diminished these days.


I never met Michael Baldwin, but the respect and affection he was held in was obvious when talking to dealers and collectors at the various auctions and he left a fine legacy both in the series of Feldzug books and also the items he preserved which passed on to other collectors.  The financial side of collecting is a consideration -indeed it's been mentioned in this thread and others on WWI militaria on this forum -but to enjoy your hobby, share information and build a collection to be proud of, preserve and ultimately pass on to people who appreciate it as much as you do is certainly something special.


Thanks again for the photos, I've quite literally never seen a collection like it.


All the best



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I’d like to think Michael would have been proud to have my feldrock in his collection. And Wainfleet, lovely post. Thanks.

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  • 7 months later...

 hello, y had 2 of the bavarian feldrocks on the auction in 2018, not cheap but y still am happy to have them, not so long ago y have had also this fine bavarian bluse from the auction , she sold in may 2018, but y doid not had it , but y was lucky to have it no in 2020 , very nice state big size,y like here 






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