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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Hospital Ship Salta at Gallipoli


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Hello all,

I'm researching a soldier from the Inniskillings who died on the Salta in June 1915. I assume he was wounded at the attack on Schmaiter Hill on the 21st but curious about how the men where evacuated and where the Salta would have been destined for at the time of my mans death. Is there are books that might have much detail on the hospital ships at Gallipoli, googling the Salta throws up more information about her sinking in 1917.

Kind Regards,

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I can't say where the Salta was in June, but the attack on Scimitar Hill in the Suvla sector took place on August 21, not in June. 


Which battalion of the Inniskillings was your man from. In June, the only battalion of the regiment that was at Gallipoli was the 1st.


The New Army 5th and 6th Battalions, part of the 10th Division, were at Suvla in August. 




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Hello Bill,

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, hectic week. Also have to apologise for my mistake, my man died of wounds in August not June. He had been wounded but had returned to action just before the attack on Scimitar Hill. He was with the 1st Bn Inniskillings and died onboard the Salta, I was hoping to get an idea of where he was being evacuated to and the evacuation procedure. Its most like he was wounded during the attack.



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Hi Brian,


can't help you on the destination of the Salta, though during the campaign most of the heavily wounded British and Commonwealth troops were taken to Egypt or Malta, with the former being the main rear area base in the region. 



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