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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Zeebrugge Churchyard

Roger Thompson

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Whilst on a cruise the ship called in at Zeebrugge, and just outside the dock entrance is the church of Sint Doonaas where there are war graves of both English and German dead and also outside a memorial to the Belgians who lie there.

I took the photographs of them and also the church, then paid my respects.


Next port of call is Copenhagen then Skagen and the last one is Oslo I didn't research if there was any war graves in these localities.

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I think there are some WW1 graves in Denmark and Norway from the sinking of HMS Hampshire (though unfortunately not one for Lord Kitchener) and perhaps from the Battle of Jutland as well.



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There are some graves in Skagen, should have done my homework better a couple of months ago, as I visited Skagen while on holiday in Denmark.


https://www.cwgc.org/find-a-cemetery/cemetery/54205/SKAGEN CEMETERY


There are German bunkers from The Atlantic Wall on the beach.






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Hello there Mandy, due to the prevailing winds and tidal run and no tugs available the cruise ship could not get into Skagen, shame as the church yard was not too far away, instead a leisurely cruise onto Oslo an overnight stay there and just spending 7 hours of freedom on shore, but just like England it's pouring down, so unfortunately no visiting, there's always another time, in 2020 we are back up into the fjords so might have a go at some of them then. 

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