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German artillery in Finnish Civil War 1918


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I’m researching the German Ostsee Division and Landungabteilung Brandenstein that were sent to Finland in spring 1918.

What I’m trying to find out, is what type of artillery these formations had.


The artillery units were:


Feldartillerie-Regiment „von Holtzendorff“ (1. Rheinisches) Nr. 8

- 6. Batterie

- 7. Batterie

Bayerische Gebirgsartillerie-Abteilung 2

- 7. Batterie

- 8. Batterie

12. Batterie

1. Batterie/Reserve-Fußartillerie-Regiment Nr. 14

4. Batterie/2. Garde-Reserve-Fußartillerie-Regiment



Suomen Sotilas (3/2008) magazine mentions:

75mm ”mountain guns”, 150mm ”howitzers”, 105mm ”cannons” but doesn’t include models or anything else.

I’ve tried to find photos, archives and books, but there seems to be very limited amount of information about this. Maybe someone can help out?


Attached is the only related photo I've been able to find online (Germans in Malmi, Helsinki)


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I have most of the regimental histories involved (as I am also quite interested in the Finnish Cvil War/War of Independence).

I'll check out and reply then in detail.



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That was fast, thank you in advance. I think the one in the photo is 15 cm sFH 02, if someone can confirm?

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14 minutes ago, Landsturm said:

That was fast, thank you in advance. I think the one in the photo is 15 cm sFH 02, if someone can confirm?


I am of the same opinion.



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Funny, I spent several days on this and now that I return to this subject I immediately find a mention from archived Sotahistoriallinen aikakauskirja 29/2010



"... Kenraalimajuri Wolfin osaston taisteluvahvuus oli noin 3000 miestä, 13 kenttätykkiä (10x75 VK/L14, 3x 150 H/02), kuusi miinanheitintä ja 80-90 koneki­vääriä." 

"... Major General Wolf's detachment mustered approx. 3000 men, 13 field artillery pieces (10 x 75 mountain gun L14, 3 x 150 howitzer 02) six minenwerfers and 80-90 machine guns."

https://www.sshs.fi/pdf/Sotahistoriallinen aikakauskirja 29 2010.pdf


So, it appears that at least 75 mm Gebirgskanone L14 model 1913 and 15 cm sFH 02 were there. But still eager to learn more..

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According to what I read in the history of Gebirgsartillerie-Abteilung 2, at least one of the batteries would have been re-equipped earlier during the war with Gebirgshaubitzen (10.5 cm-Gebirgshaubitze M.1912?). Unfortunately there are no nice overviews about which batteries were equipped with which guns at what point...



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I got a tip from another forum, Suomen kenttätykistön historia Vol I gives us the answers ... 


Baltic Division: 

2 Bav. Gebirgs:  12/75mm mountain gun L 14, 

1 Bat Heavy Res Art: 3/150mm howitzer 02,

4 Bat Guards Heavy Res Art: 3/105mm cannon 14


Detachment Brandenstein: 

8. Field Artllery Reg: 7. Bat 4/75mm cannon 17 and 8. Bat 4/105mm howitzer 16


As you stated, there was re-equipping:

"The Bavarians received eight 75mm Skoda mountain gun 15's and four 105mm field howitzer 12's."




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  • 9 months later...

I know this is not on topic however I am trying to find out if any German units that served in the Boxer Rebellion 1899-1901 later also served in Finland in 1918? I know it is a long

shot but I have a set of medals with both a Boxer Rebellion Medal and the Finnish Medal for 1918. I was told one ribbon may also be Turkish service but it might also be a long

service medal. It would be cool if I could somehow narrow down a possible unit or formation. 


I am not aware of any changes in the German Army/Marines etc. between 1899 and 1918 that might make this impossible but if it is possible it would be interesting to know. 





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Highly likely that the man was an officer and was attached to different postings in 1900 and 1918.

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Can you post a picture of the medals?



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Hi Guys


Thanks for the response. Actually the auction company I used to purchase these medals did not translate the entire description properly.

On another forum a member let me know this and there was a name attributed to them. So they actually belonged to a Chief Machinest

who later served on SMS Nautilus. So a navy set of medals. Anyway, thanks for your offer to help. 





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