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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

DCLI - 5th October 1918


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The DCLI were (I believe0 involved in the fighting for the Canal du Nord which from what I have read ended on 1st  October 1918. Prtivate 40831 Ernest Selman of the 7th Btn DCLI was killed on 5th October.I am thinking that he died from wounds received in the fighting or was their further fighting after the end of the Canal du Nord?

Edited by Mangoman
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The Register of Soldier's Effects says he died of wounds.  It doesn't give a location of a medical unit so the inference must be that he was still with the unit when he died. On 3rd 4th and 5th October the battalion was in action to the north east of Oppy (not in the Canal du Nord area) sustaining casualties each day. By evening of 5th the battalion had been withdrawn to billets well away from the area.  The war diary lists him as wounded on 4th October.

The war diary is WO 95/2126 at the National Archives or on Ancestry at:



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Many thanks for ther information MaxD. Just what i was after. Thanks so much foir your help.

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