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Medical help please


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A clip from service papers is attached. Can anyone tell me what U.D.S. means please?

(Undiagnosed ? ? perhaps)

I have Googled myself to a standstill and all I have come up with is 'Urinary Drug Screening' which is surely inappropriate for the Great War :unsure:




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Not much luck here either. But, as lower down in the column it says "arrived" might it be something to do with a status or progress rather than a medical condition?


I'm guessing here but could it be urethral (or urinary) disease symptoms?


I am in no doubt Dai will be along to put us right soon!





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Sorry can't help either, does seem odd that he was admitted to 2 Can CCS then 4 S Hospital for nearly 7 weeks then to 36 CCS for almost 2 months before being sent to IBD.

I can check if 36 CCS were specializing in any particular afflictions for that period.


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14 minutes ago, Skipman said:

Un-diagnosed symptoms?


By jove, I think you've got it!



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29 minutes ago, Bardess said:

Or VDS = venereal disease syphilis?


That's a decent shout too Diane. Would you be able to share which soldier it is Billy, then we can have a further look?



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Oh dear, I think that might actually be more likely. I can remember that I was taught to write capital V's like that at primary school all those years ago!

This chap had only got married 5 months earlier as well.



2 minutes ago, Skipman said:

Would you be able to share which soldier it is Billy, then we can have a further look?


Better not !



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18 minutes ago, Bardess said:

Back then, I think some children could have the disease from birth


Quite right, it could be passed from mother to baby once the mother had been infected. It really was extraordinarily prevalent despite all the legislation that got thrown at it.*


*(usually because said legislation started from the wrong premise and went off at the wrong angle, but that was back in the 1860s, so not strictly relevant except insomuch as parents would have been affected).

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I'm think more along the lines of David in post#2. Not convinced it is medical.


2 Canadian CCS was not open at the time, it was in the process of moving from Remy to Watten. All patients & nurses had been moved to other units.


Their diary does mention an OR attached to the CCS 21/4/1918 from No. 2 Water Tank Coy. RE. Could this be him?


Not entirely sure it says 36 CCS or 16 CCS. 36 CCS was taking in 'sick from the back areas' during June 1918, mainly influenza.


My other point is that I don't get why a man with a medical condition goes from a CCS that's not open for intake to a stationery hospital for 7 weeks then to another CCS for nearly 8 weeks all with the same condition. Surely he should remain in 4 SH until cured and not sent from there to a CCS still with UDS?


Something Something Staff?



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So if it's not venereal, paerhaps Billy might yet share the identity of the soldier. Alternatively, he could pm anyone interested in helping. No problem if you can't do that Billy.



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Sorry, but I don't think that giving the man's name would be helpful, and I am not comfortable doing so either - but I do owe you all an apology.


1 hour ago, TEW said:

2 Canadian CCS was not open at the time, it was in the process of moving from Remy to Watten. All patients & nurses had been moved to other units.

Their diary does mention an OR attached to the CCS 21/4/1918 from No. 2 Water Tank Coy. RE. Could this be him?


After TEW's comment above I had another look at the document in my original post. I do not usually pay much attention the what is often army gobbledegook in the right hand column so I didn't show it. However it seems to indicate that he was "Working. Convalescent" at 36 CCS. However, my man was in the Cheshire Regiment and NEVER served in the R.E.

Re-attached here with apologies.




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What is the column heading above the "U/V D S" abbreviation? Asking as "Arrived" isn't a medical term, but also because so far I haven't been able to define a solution, other than perhaps "Voluntary Duties, Sick"





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Here it is. Over and out for now.




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On 26/06/2019 at 01:32, BillyH said:

This chap had only got married 5 months earlier as well.





It may be that his wife was infected first?

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