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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

22nd btn northumberland fusiliers my great grandad


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You probs get asked loads for help but Im new sorry.  Im trying to find out more about my great grandad who died on the first day of the somme.  Im planning on visiting later this year or eary next and id like to see their jumping off point and to possibly stand in the field where he fell that day.  His body was never recovered and he has his name on thiepval monument.   his name is charles griffiths 22/1389.  I think ive found the name of their trench tara usna but might be wrong.  If anyone can help me Id be most grateful and as an ex matelot Id like to pay my respects to those that went before me and paid the ultimate sacrifice.  thanks again everyone

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Hi George and welcome

The War diary is available at National archives t download for a fee of £3.50 HERE

It should also be on Ancestry if you have access.

There is some more info on the parent site of this forum https://www.longlongtrail.co.uk/army/regiments-and-corps/the-british-infantry-regiments-of-1914-1918/northumberland-fusiliers/

CWGC Record is HERE

I am sure others will soon add more info



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50 minutes ago, George Dowson said:

tara usna

These were hills/ridges near La Boisselle where they set off from.

If you google that there are loads of sites with details




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Welcome to the forum.


The 22nd NF were part of 34th Division. That Divisions Royal Engineers Field Companys were drawn from Norfolk so their fate on the 1st July 1916 is something I've had to research in the past. As jonbem says there are a number of sites with information about that day - try http://www.webmatters.net/txtpat/?id=113

and http://www.ajbrown.me.uk/IndividualStories/TynesideScottish/Chapter6.htm




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