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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Royal Navy Chaplains


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Has anyone any idea where I can find service records of Royal Navy Chaplains? I have a number of names and have searched the NA ADM 196 and ADM 340 series however no hits on either.

Any help greatly appreciated.



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Ancestry has Navy Lists in which the names of chaplains are contained: https://www.ancestry.co.uk/search/collections/uknavylists/, but you probably know that.

Anyway ... I looked up the Rev John Dauglish (chaplain to Shotley Training Establishment in 1918) then had a G***le. I came up with: https://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/205003049, then this: https://www.revolvy.com/page/John-Dauglish, neither of which is his service record, but you might get lucky.


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  Not quite what you are looking for, but the book 'Priests in Uniform, by Fames Hagerty includes a very interesting chapter on Catholic Chaplains in the Royal Navy, with many of them being named.




Alf McM

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Thanks for that. Have as you guessed been down the Ancestry route. Am looking for something similar (if it exists) to the WO 339 or 374 series at NA. Will keep digging.

BTW, I see that you are interested in internees in Switzerland. I found details in the form of fairly lengthy letters from Sjt William Finlay 11664 15th Battalion Royal Irish Rifles at Public Records Office Northern Ireland  - D4101/1. He was captured on 21 March 1918 and interned at Murren.


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Thanks Alf Mcm. Have two of Hagerty's books. Good detail, but would like to identify where the original records are held. Will keep at it!


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The Navy Lists for 1914-1919 digitised can be seen for free via the National Library of Scotland or via archive.org.


A RN chaplain of my acquaintance has been researching the RN chaplains of the GW; if wished, I can put you in touch to avoid duplicated effort.



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Thanks all for your help.

seaJane, I would like to take you up on your kind offer. Have sent you a PM 



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