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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

St. Johns Ambulance

Old Bid

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Hello, I am trying to track down a volunteer who was in st. Johns ambulance during the war. All I have is name and a transfer date from Isle of sheppey st johns unit to brighton division. I have him listed as on active service 1918 then deceased 1919. I have tried many avenues but am struggling,  any suggestions on how I can find him?

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A name, home address and whatever else you have will open the door to the knowledge that you seek. If you subscribe to Ancestry then there may be a family tree there or a mention in the military records accessable through them. He may have been a VAD so a BRCS record card may exist. Incidently (or should that be pedantly) it is St. John Ambulance with no "s".

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