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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

RFA Service Number 1914/15

mickey selcon

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I am researching Driver, (later Bombadier) 25289 Robert Frederick LANGDON Royal Field Artillery. His service record didn't survive, but his medal records show that he deployed to Egypt on 17/07/15. This would indicate to me that he would have joined the Army sometime in possibly September or October 1914, but i wonder if anyone could help to narrow his enlistment date down from his service number?. The medal cards don't tell me which unit he was attached to on deployment, but a medical record from March 1918 identified that when he was admitted to hospital in Alexandria he was swerving with117 Brigade RFA.


Thank you



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Hi Mike,


Using SWB roll data - 25234 Dvr. W.E. Nuttall of the 59th Bde RFA, who was discharged in February 1918, enlisted on 03/09/1914




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while qualifying dates can be a useful guide, you have to take them with a pinch of salt since when you study them it becomes apparent that they are not always exactly accurate. 


It's quite common to see a qualifying date of arrival into the Egyptian theatre of war of 17 July 1915 from at least two RFA brigades: 58th and 59th Bdes.  Both were part of 11th (Northern) Division and were stopping off in Egypt on their way to Gallipoli.  But this is only indicative - no doubt men of other brigades also had their qualifying date recorded as 17 July 1915 but these are rarer, from the records I have looked at.



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Thank you all so much for the information, it all helps to build the 'big picture'. I agree with you about Qualifying Dates David and have been caught out more than once by 'discrepanies'!!


Best regards



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