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What unit captured my G-Great Uncle?

Jools mckenna

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I'm trying to find out what unit Samuel Doidge was captured by. Could anyone tell me what positions the 2nd Lincolnshire battalion (If possible A company) were holding on 27/5/18 and who they were attacked by?

Edited by Jools mckenna
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War Diary for 2 Lincs (62 Infantry Brigade of 21 Division) shows it in front line trenches at SAPIGNUEL on 27 May 1918 and under gas and explosive shelling from 0100 to 0400 that day, this followed by a German attack under cover of heavy smoke which carried the Lincs defensive line.

OR casualties at this period were shown as 6 killed / 53 wounded / 327 missing, with a note that 2 Officers and 20 ORs managed to avoid capture. Other parts of the unit remained in camp (nucleus party) at CHALONS-LE-VERGUER (E of SOISSONS / NW of REIMS)

You may be able to find enemy unit details from higher echelon War Diaries, or in maps (series WO153) at Kew which often show units facing each other on given dates or periods.

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2 minutes ago, sotonmate said:


Thank you so much.

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Based on a cursory search of German sources, it is likely that the German 33rd Reserve Infantry Division attacked Sapigneul. Possibly it was the 130th Reserve Infantry Regiment, whose regimental history mentions the specific area but not the village by name.



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Thanks Robert.

Edited by Jools mckenna
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War Diary says "enemy broke through on the right of the sector held by the Battalion".

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So he likely got captured by IR 98.

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Just a thought ! Lincs right would be enemy's left ! Also,IR135 may have done the round-up whilst the spearhead of the other 2 advanced ? Lottery !

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Very sorry, Robert ( my apologies Robert) was completely correct it was the 33. Res. Div. I have removed the utter b?????s I have posted.


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So the mostly likely unit that captured him is RIR 130.

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The other infantry regiments in the division were IR 364 and RIR 67. They both have printed histories but are not online.


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