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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Dr Isabel Ormiston


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Researching a National Archives listing  WO/372/23 Image Reference 31952.

Isabel Ormiston was an Australian Doctor working in Belgium France Montenegro and Serbia during WW I - 

Can any member assist in clarification of her listing as to identifying if she received any war medals.

Thanks for the help

Nat Archives UK Ormiston war service.JPG

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Interesting subject. Information on reading MICs here:



First theatre 1(a) was France / Belgium in October 1914.

Let us know what you find out about her. Scottish connection?

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Under "File: FO 372/691 Treaty: Montenegro, Morocco.  The following awards were proposed for the medical mission at Podgoritza"

She was awarded a Gold Medal of Merit and a Red Cross, Cross

I will add the others to my database.


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