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1/5th Norfolk at Suvla Bay 12th of August 1915


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Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,


During the costly attack on 12th of August 1915 a unit of the Norfolks got lost and that created a myth.

This dramatic event is usually referred to as the 'Lost Battalion'.

As I undertand it it was not the whole battalion that got lost ( > see Norfolk Rhapsody at Gaza: sgt. R. Randall wouldn't have survived )

but a whole company .

Did I get it right ?


Literature: there is an abundance of specialized literature on the Gallipoli Campaign

What is the most up-to-date volume on this campaign in your opinion that is worth buying ?


kind regards


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This has been covered in a number of threads; searching for 'Sandringham Company Norfolk Regiment Gallipoli' and you should get a few hits.





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Dear Sir,

Thank you very much for your kind help


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19 hours ago, Slingo said:

During the costly attack on 12th of August 1915 a unit of the Norfolks got lost and that created a myth.

This dramatic event is usually referred to as the 'Lost Battalion'.

As I undertand it it was not the whole battalion that got lost ( > see Norfolk Rhapsody at Gaza: sgt. R. Randall wouldn't have survived )

but a whole company .

Did I get it right ?




The War Diary puts the losses at 22 Officers and "about" 350 men, so more than one Companys worth. The losses were drawn from all the Companies of the Battalion although the Sandringham Company seems to have been amongst those hardest hit.


I'll respond with more details when I reply to your Norfolk Rhapsody thread.




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Hallo Peter,

Thank you very much for your answers.

The 1/5th Norfolk was heavily mauled twice - first at Gallipoli and afterwards in front of Tank Redoubt at Gaza.

It always fought with great gallantry.

The mystery story today is solved and the picture is as you told. Theo was lucky.

We only have his service numbers in the medal forms and the entry therein: 6-8-15

Since he served at Gallipoli ( see article on him ) I now assume that something went wrong with the entry in the medal index card that I 

attached - or do I read it wrong ?

kind regrads,


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It is worth bearing in mind that neither the advance towards Anafarta Ridge at Gallipoli, nor the attack on Tank Redoubt in 1917 were Battalion actions,

they were both Brigade affairs and all four constituent Battalions suffered casualties.

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Regarding the Norfolks at Suvla then this may prove useful


There was also an authoritative article by Dick Rayner 'The Sandringhams at Suvla Bay' which was published in Stand To! in 2000 (it was reprinted and published as an insert with The Gallipolian No.93 in Autumn 2000)

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Dear Sirs,

Thank you very much again for your kind help.

Although my focus lies on the Palestine Theatre of War I do not like to let things be half-cooked; therefore

I'll try to get the whole service picture of Theodore. This means to put a lot of puzzle pieces together.

I'm deeply grateful to your help at the GWF.


kind regards


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