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On the medical report for a chap I am researching 

rae  jones 12124 4th batt swb on 5 Jan 1917 transferred D.A.D.M.S  led to Cumballa I presume war hospital Bombay

15- MAY 1918 looks like Decan BR HSP POONA, I presume this is (british war hospital)

as this is the first time I have researched some one in India im at a bit of a loss :blush:

his battalion embarked Devonport 7-June 16 landing in Basrah 4-July 16, I have looked in swb history and cannot find on which ship ?


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War Diary of the Embarkation Commandant at Basra for 4th July. For what it's worth. I'm not sure if ships that remained at the Bar would be listed other than by references to transhipments.









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D.A.D.M.S stands for Deputy Assistant Director of Medical Services.


I can't see any mention of India in the four volumes of 

History of the Great War Based on Official Documents: Medical Services; General History by G W Macpherson Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3 includes Egypt and Palestine, Volume 4 includes Mesopotamia, Gallipoli, Salonika, East Africa. Published 1921-1924. Archive.org


There were a large number of military hospitals established in India during WW1, particularly around Bombay, which was the terminal port for ships coming from Mesopotamia. I suspect Poona, being at higher altitude than Bombay, and therefore cooler, would be used more for chronic and convalescent patients. These hospitals would have been run by the Government of India, as part of the Indian Medical Service, which was part of the Indian Army.


However, I don't know any details of these hospitals, or where such information could be found, other than suggesting you contact the Museum of Military Medicine,  https://museumofmilitarymedicine.org.uk, in the hope that it might have information about India.


The might be a few hints in the Indian Army List, which lists both RAMC and Indian Medical Service doctors, and where they are working.

As an example July 1917 List


One doctor listed at Poona was a specialist in Dermatology.







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thank you GWF people I will answer in turn

David yep its all about Jones (the English)

Peter well that's narrowed it down a bit

Maureene,I have had a trawl and THINK I have part of the answer ?

he caught amongst other things I think yellow fever

I have found

34th Welsh hospital

Deccan British war hospital PUNE

address  Deolali famous for the tap "boredom "



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You may be interested in this:




And this picture of the 34th General Hospital at Deolali:



My grandfather spent 2 1/2 months there in 1918. Don't think he enjoyed it much.




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