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3rd & 4th Batt C.E.F. Somme & Vimy Web Site


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I have been researching my Canadian Gt Grand Uncle Percy Forsey killed at Vimy Ridge April 1917 and have built a web site from the details I have found in the CEF war diaries.

The web site contains details of the fight for the "Quadrilateral" 9th Oct 1916 on the Somme just to the West of Le Sars and the Battle of Vimy Ridge from April 9th to 30th 1917.

The "Quadrilateral" battle resulted in 700 killed or wounded out of 1000 men of the 3rd & 4th CEF Batt. The war diary included letters to and findings of a court of enquiry held after the battle. The enquiry report even contains details of Officers shooting there own men who refused to bayonet charge the German positions.

I have made many diagrams from the original trench maps to plot out the courses of both battles and hopefully to make following the war diaries a bit easier.

In the Vimy ridge section I have included the casualty list form the 3rd Batt. war diary.

I would like to add pictures or further details of any of the men listed on this casualty list so if anyone has anything and would not mind me posting them on my site please contact me.




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Really nice website Brett, which is a credit to you. I was particularly interested in the material on the Somme, living in the nearby village of Courcelette.

May I add you to the links page of my website?

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Good website, impressive, well done a lot of work has gone into that.


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Hi Brett, it would be worth looking through the listings at the Canadian Virtual War Memorial, link. Even though the listings are supplied by the CWGC and thus are the same, some entries will have photos supplied by family and others as part of the Picture Collection Project.

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Really nice website Brett, which is a credit to you. I was particularly interested in the material on the Somme, living in the nearby village of Courcelette.

May I add you to the links page of my website?

Thanks for that please feel free to add links to my web site.


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Hi Brett, it would be worth looking through the listings at the Canadian Virtual War Memorial, link. Even though the listings are supplied by the CWGC and thus are the same, some entries will have photos supplied by family and others as part of the Picture Collection Project.

Hi Chris

I have gone through some of the listings and downloaded photos for my personel use but I do not want to use these photos on my site without permission from the people who have posted them.

I can't see a way of asking as the names of people posting the photos are not listed.

I wonder if the Virtual War Memorial People will give me their details or are they restricted by the Data Protection Act?

All the best.


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Sorry but the site is not available at the moment.

The message from Yahoo says that it hasceeded it's data transfer rate and for me to try later.

I wonder if you can get someone else to host it ofr you.


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There is a good chance many of those pictures are mine - I cover mostly Toronto and surrounding areas, and have donated hundreds of newspaper photos for the Third Battalion - graves photos, newspaper articles, etc.

Here's an example of one of the 3rd battalion officers I've donated all the pics for -

Major Charles A. Moss, 3rd Bn, Photo collection

All the tinted newspapers that look like this are mine (see attachment for an example- another 3rd Bn man), plus all the Upper Canada College portraits, Univ. of Toronto bios, etc.

You can use whatever you like, I would be more than happy - just put my name as the source.


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This is how most of the newspaper items I donate look. Sorry, the above was an example of one I had to retype as the condition was too poor for restoration.

Pte. Alfred William Whittingstall, died Oct. 21, 1918, 3rd Battalion CEF.


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Hi Brett, sorry I wasn't clear on my earlier post. I wasn't sure if you were aware of the photo records on the CVWM and was thinking in terms of copying them for your own personal records.

Marika has done a fine job adding many photos and stories of long forgotten soldiers and I feel it is unfortunate that not everyone realises these images are on the site.

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Sorry you could not get on the site. I use BT Internet and Geocities web space comes bundled with it.

I hope this message was caused by me uploading the new pages and not by people just browsing.

Does anyone know of a good free web space provider?


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Thanks for the info, I will start working through the Vimy and Somme casualty lists asap.

I think I will make a new page 3rd Batt. Role of Honour -so I may need to search out some more web space.

So I can get an idea of the work involved, has anyone got a casualty list for the 3rd Batt. for WW1?


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Very nice site, Brett. Great work.

These days it is very cheap to but properly hosted web space - and then you don't have to put up with pop up ads and silly restrictions. I've just looked and seen thatthe company with which I host this Forum have a basic hosting package for £13.99 per year. This includes

35mb space

Free UK domain

Free setup

1 "catch all" mailbox

PHP, CGI, Perl, C, Python

1 MySQL database

Many others do this sort of thing, too.

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Great work on your site, Brett.

So I can get an idea of the work involved, has anyone got a casualty list for the 3rd Batt. for WW1?

This list is likely not complete, but it has 1232 names.

Hope it helps


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Brett, sorry about the problem. I'll have to check and see why it works for me but not for you.

I'll let you know


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Brett, could you try the following URL


I've tried it on a couple of computers and had someone else try it and it seems to work.

If it doesn't, then go to:


put in:

"3rd Battalion" for the Unit Search String and "Canadian Infantry" for the Regiment (without the quotes) and click "submit"

Scroll through until you get the records you want. If it still does not work, please contact me offline at toc@adlerhouse.com


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