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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

PoWs held in Germany


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A very interesting book, in the German language - Kriegsgefangene Völker https://archive.org/stream/bub_gb_Py4DAAAAMAAJ#page/n0/mode/1up 

Written shortly after the war and contains some interesting tables, such as  numbers of PoWs held by year and nationality, deaths while in captivity by cause etc. Censoring of post, employment of PoWs and punishment are also mentioned



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18 minutes ago, charlie962 said:

produced by who and for whom ?


Produced on behalf of the German Ministry of Defence.

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Because it is in German I wont understand a word but I am curious to know why they invested in such a book in 1921 ?


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part of the reason is as GreyC correctly said - justification. To quote the author “ due to the accusations of the foreign people and press, it became necessary after the fall of the German Empire, to produce a true picture of life as a prisoner in Germany from the German point of view”

When the histories are written shortly after any conflict it is the history as written by the victor which becomes the accepted side of events. It seems to me as though the author realises this and in his own words “With confidence I leave judgement firstly to the reader of today burdened by the events of the present time and also to the reader of a more enlightened future - the cosmopolite as a thinking reader”



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