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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Sleeve Badges


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I have the attached photo of a L/Cpl of the Notts & Derby regiment.

On his sleeve above the chevron are two badges, one appears to be a black badge.

Can anyone identify them please?

As always, many thanks in advance,






Edited by Trev2386
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Good evening Trev,


Not sure whether this is going to be of help or not!


 I have the following information on the disc:


1st Bn Dark green (L) Maroon (R) 2” diameter disc Felt.

2nd/6th Bn  Green 2 1/2” diameter disc Felt.

10th Bn  Brown 2” diameter disc Felt.




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Thankyou Arthur. My man is a 10th Bn chap so that clears that one up, just the lower one now,



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  • 2 weeks later...

The other badge is MG within a wreath, indicating that he is qualified to instruct others on the machine gun.

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16 hours ago, FROGSMILE said:

The other badge is MG within a wreath, indicating that he is qualified to instruct others on the machine gun.




many thanks. I had dismissed the MG badge as it was on his upper arm not lower. I’m now aware that instructors wore their badges on the upper arm.

Once again, thanks for the info,



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7 hours ago, Trev2386 said:




many thanks. I had dismissed the MG badge as it was on his upper arm not lower. I’m now aware that instructors wore their badges on the upper arm.

Once again, thanks for the info,




They were supposed to be worn above rank stripes if NCOs Trev, as such men were expected to assist with instruction.  Wartime exigencies meant that there were not enough sergeants to do the instruction as would have been usual and suitably trained corporals and lance corporals had to fill the gaps.

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Once again, many thanks. Fortunately, my mans service record exists. I assume, I know I shouldn’t, that the award of the badge will be listed innthere somewhere.



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50 minutes ago, Trev2386 said:

Once again, many thanks. Fortunately, my mans service record exists. I assume, I know I shouldn’t, that the award of the badge will be listed innthere somewhere.




His course of training should be recorded yes, but the badge will not be mentioned. His attendance on the course would be published in Battalion routine orders and he could then use that as authority to draw a badge from the quartermaster’s clothing store.

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