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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Chaplain George Armitage Chase MC


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Could anyone with a Crockfords look up Rev G A Chase MC for me please. I would be delighted to discover his forenames, especially.  According to the cards at the Museum of Army Chaplaincy he was gazetted MC in November 1917 and served in Italy. I can find the Gazette entries, but really need his full name.


Thanks in advance




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That's brilliant thank you.




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It used to be said that training at Cuddesdon and a curacy in Portsea was one were two of the necessary steps to becoming a bishop.



Edited by Ron Clifton
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It definitely seems to have been the case for the curates who went to war, not to mention the two vicars who ended up at York (both), and Canterbury (1).



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On 2/5/2018 at 10:00, Ron Clifton said:

It used to be said that training at Cuddesdon and a curacy in Portsea was one were two of the necessary steps to becoming a bishop.


Absolutely. I have in my main focus of research now identified 22 Portsea clergymen who served as chaplains to the forces during the Great War, and additionally one who served as an army officer without a dog collar, but I am continuously amazed to find the later careers of these men. Bishops and heads of Cambridge colleges galore, Military Crosses in numbers, and not all on the Birthday or New Year Honours lists, the odd OBE these abound.


I have found a 1930 reunion photo for Portsea clergy; Cantuar didn't attend, but two future archbishops were present, along with four other serving bishops and a fistful who were to achieve that status, along with future heads of Selwyn and Queen's Colleges Cambridge.


in 1915 a book was published about the work of Portsea Parish that was entirely silent about its developmental role for clergy, but there is clearly a study in waiting there for a doctoral candidate.




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11 minutes ago, keithmroberts said:

along with future heads of Selwyn

Owen Chadwick, no doubt.


The church I attend had a memorial service a few years ago, for Rev C F D Moule of Clare College, a man who had become the Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity. I met him once on a retreat and he was a charming and modest man. As a measure of the regard in which he was held, the lesson was read by the Archbishop of York and the eulogy delivered by the Archbishop of Canterbury.



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10 hours ago, Ron Clifton said:

Owen Chadwick, no doubt.


Not Chadwick, but  Chase himself  who was Master of Selwyn from 1934 to 46. He was a curate at Portsea from 1911-1913 and served as TCF from November 1914. The record of his interview held at the Museum of Army Chaplaincy  notes that he was the son of a Bishop (Ely).  his references, apart from his father were Rev C F Garbett (Vicar of Portsea, future Bishop of Southwark, and Archbishop of York), and the President of Queen's Cambridge.




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Forgot to add, that like his father Chase later became a bishop, in his case Bishop of Ripon as mentioned above by GUEST.



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On 12/03/2018 at 17:22, keithmroberts said:

Forgot to add, that like his father Chase later became a bishop, in his case Bishop of Ripon as mentioned above by GUEST



     The link between war service and advancement in the Church (well,any Church-other brands are available) is always an interesting one.  One of my old customers as a bookseller was a former colleague of Robert Runcie MC- a tankie of the Second World War. I was told Runcie's nickname amongst his fellows was "Killer" Runcie. Somehow, I doubt that when he A of C he was often introduced by that name to the Synod.

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  • spof changed the title to Chaplain George Armitage Chase MC

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