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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Neuve Chapelle 1914


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I'm doing a project on gas used in World War 1 and one source I used said that the German's fired shells of gas at the French at Neuve Chapelle in 1914. However, when researching more into this I couldn't find any information on the attack.

I was wondering if anyone had any information on this attack.

Many thanks, Star.

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Some traffic already about this a few years back:

I read elsewhere that the French also used gas then, in grenades but not effectively.

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Thanks, I've already researched the tear gas the French used and are now on turpinite. I'm trying to figure out if it was a myth or reality as I've found some very contradicting sources. If you have any information on that too I'd welcome it.


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On ‎03‎/‎02‎/‎2018 at 22:13, sotonmate said:

I read elsewhere that the French also used gas then, in grenades but not effectively.


The French (obviously not all of them!) went to war in August 1914 armed with two types of chemical grenade - one of which was actually developed at the end of the 19th century. Both the grenades suffocante mle.1914 (developed in 1913 but with origins in 1911) - which contained acrolein - and the slow burning grenades éclairantes produced debilitating noxious fumes - especially effective in enclosed confines - which could quite easily be described as 'gas'.



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