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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

william simpson campbell


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Hi,  i have been researching my family tree/history and recently discovered my great grandad was apparently a corporal in the 6th battalion seaforth highlanders (according to his marriage cert ,top section), his name is  william simpson campbell and he was born in village of auldearn in 1882. i am trying to find any info on him and if im lucky enough , a photograph, as have never seen one of him.i would be really greatful for any help/suggestions on where to find something . i have tried google images but not all are named so difficult to know if any would be him,thanks in advance.image.thumb.png.78949acce1c815d23a581c7d278009a1.pngt not all are

Edited by michellemitchell14
uploading marriage cert
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There are Service Papers on FindmyPast (should be on Ancestry too)  - Click for findmypast service papers


They are for a W illiam Simpson Campbell of the right age, living in Elgin. There is quite a complicated story behind his service ( a second set of papers also exists) so you need to check to see if it is your man

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corisande, jessie is becoming a bit of a nightmare herself lol as we all having debates over her surname.on marriage cert it looks like reece or rosse, but on hers and williams son john (my grandad) birth cert it has her as rathay and maiden name morrison(but not her married name of campbell).  With the surname on their marriage cert it states she was a widow ,so we assumed thats what the rathay was lol but i will deal with her later , right now more interested in gg grandad . thank you

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That them. I would not be put off by the Camerons reference. Soldiers often changed regiment, also he has himself down on marriage cert as (ex) Corporal, and he could ahve been overegging his rank.


You need to go through the two sets of papers. I think he joined up, was let go on health grounds. Joined again, then was discharged again on health


You need to go through all his papers and make chronological notes, seeing if you believe that it is him. You could do a cross check on ScotlandsPeople to see if there were actually 2 men called "William Simpson Campbell" born in Elgin at that time

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hi corisande, on ancestry i found a william simpson campbell on 1901 census, aged 8. now on his birth cert there is no father listed.yet the one i found on ancestry, his father is named as william campbell,and his grandparents are robert and jessie, but no mother, so im wondering if was his granny jessie that has signed certs.ive been reading through some those papers and there is a wife listed as johanna mcintosh.,which doesnt match up with what we have . i cant read a lot of the writing but think may have had something wrong with speech and he is down as suffering with deafness. i did think hes been upping himself a bit lol,def. im going to keep looking as getting really confusing now. thank you

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