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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

9th (North Irish Horse) Battalion Royal Irish Fusiliers


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Hi information purposes  and feedback appreciated 


When did North Irish Horse start to be used by the 9th Battalion Royal Irish Fusiliers?



In the month of October 1917 the 9th Battalion Royal Irish Fusiliers War Dairy first page from 1st- 4th Names the Battalion as 9th (S) Battalion as shown in the photo, S is for service 

But from the 5th October the Battalion is renamed 9th North Irish Horse or as the unit War Dairy states “N.I Horse”. On the 25th September 1917 a draft 304 Other Ranks joins the Battalion played in by the band. These pervious Cavalry soldiers replaced their horses for Tommy hats and rifles and underwent infantry training before joining the 9th Battalion.

A very interesting note in the 108th Brigade War Dairy September 1917 clearly states in a addendum “In future 9th Royal Irish Fusiliers will be called 9th (North Irish Horse) Battalion Royal Irish Fusiliers” 

It was officially 25th September 1917 but as you see from even the Unit War Dairy it did take a while for everyone to get into the Official terminology. 

(Special thanks to David Hagan)





Edited by Ulsterdiv
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