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1 year I.H.L


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Yes, but it could be worse. IHL could be awarded for up to two years, but usually meant that the soldier could be retained in the Army. Sentences of three years or more were "penal servitude" and were normally served in a civilian prison after discharge from the Army.


For what offence was he convicted?



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Here are a few AIF soldiers sentenced to 1 year HL;


ANDERSON    Gordon    1670    Pte    29Bn    2R tos 4Co/1Bn ICC 4-16 FGCM 19-7-16 disobeying sentenced 1 year HL suspended 19-8-16 to 14 LHR 7-18 


ATKINSON    William Leslie    252    L/Cpl    15Bn    BCo WIA 8-8-15 R/hand shot during fighting around Hill 971 (G) to 1Co/1Bn ICC 1-16 FGCM 20-4-16 sentenced 1 year HL reduced to 3 months rtn BCo 10-16 F&B


BANTOFT    Thomas    1003    Pte    10 LHR    6R Tos possibly A Sqn? 10-15 evac to Imtarfa hosp Malta (diptheria) 11-15 (G) rtn 2-16 to 3 LHTR 6-16 tos 13Co/4Bn ICC 7-16 to Cpl 11-16 to hosp (malaria) 12-16 rtn 3-17 FGCM 9-6-17 impeding the MP's sentenced 1 year HL reduced to Pte to citadel Prison 6-17 sentenced suspended 1-18 rtn 18Co 1-18 rtn 13Co 1-18 killed shot to head reported 5 killed and 21 wounded in fighting around Hill 3039 at Amman buried on battlefield behind trenches by Lt Williamson NKG listed on the Jerusalem War Memorial Palestine


BARNETT    John James    267    Pte    03 LHR    B Sqn FGCM 31-12-14 disobeying sentenced 1 year HL and dismisssed reduced to 22 days Detn tos 02 LHR (425) 5-15 WIA 16-9-15 L/Leg shot reported 4 wounded at Old No 3 outpost (G) to AIF depots UK 12-16 disch 22-7-18 MU (Boer War 2 NSWMR (9) (RAA CMF 20 months) 


BEESON    Frederick    235    Pte    6 LHR    B Sqn B Troop (726) remain Egypt Tos B Sqn 7-15 (G) shown B Sqn 4-17 FGCM 3-7-17 struck Dr Papathanassis a native of Egypt sentenced 1 year HL commuted 3 months FP2 to batman to Lt MacKenzie Adjt RHQ 6-17 to 2 LHTR 9-17 rtn 12-17 to hosp (malaria & rheum) 3-18 RTA MU invalided nervous (mental) 1914 leave (British & Boer War 1Bn The Worcestershire Regt (3772) 12 years also Aden and Rangoon)


BELL    William Arthur    228    Pte    04 LHR    B Sqn (G) FGCM 30-11-15 joining a mutiny at Sliema camp on Malta sentenced 1 year HL released 4-16 disch 11-12-16 MU deafness reemb 30R (3905) tos DSqn/XXII Corps MR 5-18 MM - for his actions at Bligny 27-7-18 att 49 Div 10-18 WIA 9-11-18 gas W near Le Cateau to 13 LHR 12-18 F&B


BIGGINS    Albert James    1259    Pte    9 LHR    10R ToS A Sqn 12-15 (G) WIA 9-8-16 minor at Bir el Abd FGCM 6-11-16 sleeping at post sentenced 1 year HL reduced to 6 months 11-1-17 rtn 5-17 att 3 LH Bde HQ 8-17 rtn 10-17 AKA Gilbert J. Biggins


BRIDGE    Albert Gordon    603    Pte    2 VS    14R to 3 LHTR (9 LHR) 1-17 tos AIF Canteen 6-17 FGCM 25-1-18 useing a false name Tpr Dale sentenced 1 year HL rtn AAVC Dtls 5-18 to 9 MVS 6-18 Ex 14Bn (957) DNE disch 4-12-14 MU AKA alias Albert Gordon Budge died in Australia (Victorian Rangers CMF 2 years)


BRIERS    Albert Oscar    703    Pte    04 LHR    2R tos C Sqn 3-15 (G) to Dvr 35Co AASC 8-17 FGCM 20-12-18 stealing 2 horses at Medjdelaya sentenced 1 year HL RTA as prisoner disch SNLR


BROCKLESBY    Thomas Vaughan Moran    2331    Pte    3Bn    7R Tos 10-15 (G) to 2Co/1Bn ICC (2331a) 1-16 FGCM 29-5-16 "striking an NCO" sentenced 1 year HL disch 12-4-17 SNLR 


BUNWORTH    Denis William    1211    Pte    13 LHR    6R tos 2 Div Cyc Co 3-16 to BCo/1 Anzac Cyc Bn 5-16 to DCo/22Bn 8-16 WIA 25-2-17 shell shock reported during the capture of Gallwitz and Malt Trench by C and DCo's under Lt Bazeley and Capt Cull near Warlencourt FGCM 17-10-18 deserted & AWol for 6 hours sentenced 1 year HL suspended 11-18 F&B married Gladys Murray at St Pancras London UK 15-7-19


BURFORD    Eric    847    Pte    9 LHR    4R Tos 8-15 (G) to BSqn/XXII Corps MR (847a) 9-18 to 13 LHR 12-18 FGCM 15-3-19 AWoL sentenced 1 year HL F&B AKA Eric Leon Burford


BURNEY    Edward    2646    Pte    04 LHR    18R tos 2 Sect/1 LH MGS 9-16 FGCM 21-8-17 theft from mate sentenced 1 year HL remitted 6 months FGCM 12-7-18 disobeying an order sentenced 18 months HL to Citadel Military Prison 7-18 RTA as prisoner disch SNLR Ex 15R/2 FCE (6331) DNE disch 15-12-15


BURROWS    Stanley    1688    Pte    05 LHR    11R Tos 12-15 to Gnr 51Bty/13 FAB 3-16 to V5A HTMB 7-16 FGCM 29-12-16 deserted sentenced 1 year HL rtn 4-17 to 114Bty/14 FAB 8-17 FGCM 5-6-18 deserted sentenced 10 years PS reduced to 2 years HL to No 5 Military Prison to HM Norwich Prison to Wormwood Scrubs F&B


CALDER    Alexander William    2099    Pte    10 LHR    14R to Dvr 3 sect/4 DAC 4-16 to ADS 7-16 FGCM 28-10-18 deserted 29-7-18 captured 11-10-18 sentenced 1 year HL RTA as prisoner disch SNLR forfit medals (British RASC 4 years)


CHAPPELL    Ernest John    2147    Pte    04 LHR    15R tos DSqn/2 Anzac LHR 8-16 FGCM 4-1-17 disobeying sentenced 1 year HL suspended 16-2-17 to DCo/14Bn 10-17 WIA 17-10-17 R/leg shrapnel reported unit moved back to the Railway dugouts after relief by 15Bn on Broodesinde Ridge at Passchendaele to LH Depot Tidworth UK 3-18 rtn to DSqn/XXII Corps MR 5-18 to hosp (influ) 6-18 rtn 8-18 att 63rd Div 11-18 to 13 LHR 12-18 F&B (55 IR Collingwood CMF 3 years) 


CLARK    Harold Clifford    2002    Pte    03 LHR    14R tos 1 LH MGS 9-16 rtn CSqn/03 LHR 1-17 rtn 1 LH MGS 10-17 to AProvC Cairo 3-18 FGCM 11-5-18 conduct attacked a soldier with bayonet sentenced 1 year HL to Gabbari Military Prison sentence suspended 11-18 rtn Dvr 11-18 


DRAPER    Rupert Randolph    2464    Pte    01 LHR    17R tos B Sqn B Troop 7-16 FGCM 27-5-18 fraud over loss of pay book sentenced 1 year HL to Gabbari Prison 6-18 


DUNCAN    Leslie Robert    1391    Pte    03 LHR    11R Tos 8-16 to 1 LH MGS (1531) 8-16 FGCM 3-7-17 AWol 3-6-17 to 20-6-17 sentenced 1 year HL to Detn Bks Cairo 7-17 rtn 1 LH MGS 4-18 AKA real name Leslie Robert Duggan


EASTWELL    John    1324    Pte    11 LHR    7R tos B Sqn 3-16 FGCM 26-7-18 striking officer while drunk sentenced 1 year HL 


EDWARDS    Ernest    24    Sig    11 LHR    RHQ att DSqn/05 LHR 8-15 (G) att Sig party 10 LHR 6-16 to L/Cpl 9-17 to Sig/Cpl 5-18 revert L/Cpl/Sig 7-18 to FGCM 5-8-18 forged pass sentenced 1 year HL commuted to 90 days FP2 to ER Cpl 5-19 to T/Sgt Education 6-19 Ex AN&MEF (1945) RTA due to firemans strike on "Kanowna" disch 28-9-14 AKA real name Ernest Waldemar Hammond (CMF 6 months) author 11 LHR unit history 1942


GERRARD    Charles Francis    1355    Pte    13 LHR    7R tos Dvr 3 Sect/2 DAC 3-16 to 18Bty/6 FAB 11-16 FGCM 23-8-17 stealing civil offence sentenced 1 year HL FGCM 31-12-17 escaping from guard sentenced 6 months HL to No 10 Military Prison Dunkerque 1-18 FGCM 2-9-18 deserted/escaped from prison hosp 3-18 recaptured 7-18 sentenced 4 years PS suspended 10-18 rtn 6 BAC 11-18 F&B disch SNLR AKA Charles Francis Alexander Gerrard (44 IR CMF 2 years later WWII)


GRIFFITH    Alfred    932    Pte    13 LHR    3R deserted Fremantle 2-9-15 reemb 13-10-15 to 5 Div Cav 5-16 to BSqn/2 Anzac LHR 8-16 att APM 2 Anzac Corps HQ 9-16 rtn 1-17 att NZ Div 4-17 FGCM 9-5-17 disobeying sentenced 1 year HL to No 3 Military prison Harve 5-17 rtn XXII Corps MR 5-18 WIA 20-7-18 arm/hand accident cut near Rheims WIA 30-9-18 chest/abdoman, L/thigh and R/arm shrapnel near Bellicourt F&B died at 23 CCS buried Duisans British Cemetery Etrun France


HEFFERNAN    Joseph    1312    Pte    12 LHR    7R tos 12Co/3Bn ICC 7-16 FGCM 21-6-17 "striking officer" sentenced 1 year HL to Detention Bks 6-17 rtn 12-17 to 15 LHR 7-18 RTA as prisoner SNLR (British Lancaster Regt TA 2 years) later WWII


HOCKEY    Ernest    735    Pte    3Bn    DCo to CCo 1-15 WIA 2-7-15 back bomb near Johnstons Jolly rtn 7-15 (G) to 2Co/1Bn ICC 1-16 FGCM 14-11-17 forgery sentenced 1 year HL sentence suspended rtn 2Co 5-18 to 14 LHR 7-18 later WWII AIF Canteens


HOCKEY    John    1315    Pte    13 LHR    6R Tos 2 Div Cyc Co 3-16 to 1 Anzac Cyc Bn 7-16 to CCo/22Bn (1315a) 10-16 WIA 8-3-17 R/thigh bomb wounded on patrol with Lt Massey at Malt Trench near Warlencourt FGCM 5-8-18 desertion from 8-6-18 to 28-7-18 sentenced 1 year HL suspended 16-10-18 F&B


HOGAN    James Michael    926    Pte    9 LHR    5R tos MG Sect 9-15 (G) to 13Co/3Bn ICC 7-16 to LH Dtls 7-18 FGCM 5-9-18 AWoL sentenced 1 year HL remitted to 6 months disch SNLR forfit medals later WWII


HULL    Bertram Arthur Francis    86    Cpl    11 LHR    A Sqn att DSqn/02 LHR 8-15 WIA 13-12-15 R/thigh shell at Destroyer Hill shown WIA 23-12-15 arrived hosp Egypt (G) to ADS 3-16 FGCM 5-5-17 deserted 21-4-17 captured 1-5-17 deserted 28-5-17 sentenced 1 year HL FGCM 13-8-17 escaped custody sentenced 2 years HL remitted 3 months to Citadel Military prison 8-17 rtn 11 LHR 2-19 Ex 1R/02 LHR DNE


HUMPHREYS    Lindo Herbert    626    Pte    9 LHR    A Sqn Tos 8-15 WIA 27-8-15 bruised back bomb shrapnel in attack on Hill 60 rtn to Mudros 11-15 (G) FGCM 15-1-16 fraud sentenced 2 years HL trail was dismissed for retrail to 3 LHTR 3-16 retrial FGCM 30-4-16 same charges sentenced 1 year HL disch 12-12-16 SNLR disciplinary (NSWL to Broken Hill LH CMF 3 years) 


JOHNS    Herbert Stanley    465    Pte    05 LHR    C Sqn to MG Sect 9-15 (G) to Cpl 12Co/3Bn ICC 7-16 WIA 19-4-17 R/thigh shot in fighting at Jack & Jill Redoubt at 2nd Gaza to Res Co 5-17 FGCM 26-6-17 stricking a native" sentenced 1 year HL reduced to Pte commuted to 90 days FP 2 rtn 12Co 10-17 to LH Dtls 7-18 MID - For distinguished service during operations (not stated) RTA 1914 leave 


KENNY    James    52    Pte    9 LHR    MG Sect remained in Egypt rtn 12-15 to 3 LHTR 3-16 to 14Co/3Bn ICC 11-16 to 15 LHR 7-18 to hosp 8-18 (illness) deserted from 17 BGH 8-18 FGCM deserted 30-1-19 sentenced 1 year HL RTA as Prisoner 


KINNEAR    George Albert    1344    Pte    03 LHR    10R tos A Sqn 12-15 att WFF FGCM 4-9-16 sleeping at post sentenced 1 year HL suspended 11-16 rtn 11-16 WIA 9-1-7 face shot at Rafa to clerk 1 LH Bde HQ 2-17 to Cpl clerk AAOC 4-17 shown replaced RQMS Baynes at 1 LH Bde HQ 11-17 to Ordnance Sgt Clerk AAOC staff DADOS Anzac MD HQ 12-17 to Wo1 11-18 AKA George Herbert Kinnear


LENON    Hugh George    4223    Pte    14 LHR    34R to 12 LHR Dtls 1-18 to Pay Cpl 3-18 to Pte 4 LHTR 9-18 FGCM 20-1-19 Stealing mates Goods sentenced 1 year HL to Gabbari Military Prison 2-19 Ex CCo/1Bn (431) WIA 25-4-15 leg shot at the landing or soon after (G) disch 12-5-16 relist (HCo CMF 3 years)


LEONARD    William Thomas    2484    Pte    01 LHR    17R tos C Sqn 8-16 shown WIA 6-8-16 shell shock posibly WIA 5-8-16 reported two wounded in fighting at Katia to 4Co/1Bn ICC 10-16 FGCM 16-6-17 sentenced 1 year HL remitted to 3 months FGCM 20-11-17 sentenced 6 months HL incressed from suspended sentence to 9 months to BSqn/12 LHR 7-18 FGCM 18-11-18 sentenced 18 months HL disch 1-9-19 SNLR later WWII


LUMSDEN    Francis George    3633    Pte    2 DAC    2R tos Dvr 4Bty/2 FAB 3-15 remain Egypt att AProvC MMP Alexandria 10-15 to 8 LHR 2-16 to 3 LHFA 12-16 FGCM 28-11-17 stealing wiskey sentenced 1 year HL suspended 8-18 rtn 3 LHFA 8-18 to T/Cpl 5-19 later WWII Civil Constructional Corps  related Norm, Robert and Nesbitt 8 LHR


Hope this helps to compare cases




Edited by stevebecker
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