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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Any help please?

GW Billington

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Good afternoon everyone. I haven't been on for quite a while after members helped a great deal with  a very successful  'walking in my Grandfathers footsteps' trip on the Somme. This time I'm going to Ypres to hopefully do the same thing. I know he was in Congrieve Walk in December 1916 and have a map for that but on 23rd October that year the War Diaries state that his Battalion was 'manning the Reiyerburg Defences' I can find no reference to these defences (spelling may be wrong!) can anyone help please?

Edited by GW Billington
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If I’m right I think you may be refering to the Reigersburg Chateau, used as a camp, north of Ypres on the N8.

I’m not close to any of my reference material at present so I hope another Pal can give you a map reference.



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Thank-you John. Yes, a map reference or even a copy of a trench map showing it would be brilliant. I would also like to see a map of the Saint Jean area showing the x line, Congrieve walk and the opposing German Trenches if anyone can help with this. Thanks again - much appreciated


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