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Machine Gun Corps 151 Coy


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I am researching John Charles Hoy of the MGC 151Coy who was awarded the MM is November/December 1916 and I am trying to find the War Diaries as I would like to know where Hoy was situated. Any help will be appreciated. The following is taken for the local newspaper


Blackburn Weekly Telegraph, Saturday, 9 December, 1916
Weaver Military Medal
Lance-Corporal John Charles Hoy, a grandson of Mr Charles John Noel, of 1 Shorrock’s Court, Bolton road, Darwen, has been awarded the Military Medal. The young non-com, with twenty men, were sent out on a scouting adventure and attached the Germans and drove them from a trench. The Huns, however, returned with reinforcements, but Hoy bravely saved the guns. Only twenty years of age, he is the son of a soldier who fount in the Boer War, and was on the reserve when the present war broke out. His father went to the front with the Loyal North Lancashire and was killed in one of the early actions.  Before enlisting the young military medallist was a weaver at Bowling Green Mill, and was connected with St Joseph’s Church





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Their war diary notes for 20 Nov 1916 that he was to be awarded the MM alongside #24302 Sgt Clennell, Cpl #24297 Watson, Privates #24323 Middlemas, #Jones and Dickinson. All the men except Dickinson were awarded it for actions with the MGC, Dickinson was awarded it for actions with 9th DLI.

Looking at the names shown on 20 Nov 1916 it looks like the award was granted for an action on 5 Nov 1916 during an attack by 151st Brigade. I think it's the same event in the newspaper article, just described slightly differently. Hoy is noted as a Private during this time, the first mention of him as Lance Corporal isn't until a training course on 14 Dec 1916. The action took place in an attack on the GRID (or GIRD in some reports) LINE, Butte De Warlencourt, 6th DLI diary states that the attack started at 9.11AM as zero hour.


This report is from 151st MG diary



Edited by ss002d6252
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Many thanks for a very fast reply and the information is just want I required


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