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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Hungarian soldiers marching

Morar Andrei

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This is a rare photo of the 51st Honved Infantry Regiment marching throu Fogaras on the 4th of October 1916, after the town was abandoned by the Romanian forces on the previous day.


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Initially, I was thinking the same. But the historian from the museum (this photo is a reproduction of the original from the Făgăraș County Museum) said that there were also Austro-Hungarian units who wore spike-helmets, similar to the german ones. If that indeed are not Hungarian soldiers of the 51st Honved, they are most probably soldiers from the 187th German Infantry Division (both the 51st Honved and 187th german infantry were involved when the town was occupied).

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56 minutes ago, Morar Andrei said:

...the historian from the museum (this photo is a reproduction of the original from the Făgăraș County Museum) said that there were also Austro-Hungarian units who wore spike-helmets, similar to the german ones. ...


They did, indeed (see below), but for parades and ceremonial duties, not as part of a combat uniform (the soldiers in that photo are definitely German, by the way... they are also wearing German uniforms and boots and are carrying German equipment).





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  • 4 weeks later...

There is something else that intrigues me: except for the 3rd battalion of the Nagyszeben Honved Regiment, what other units served in Fogarasch before and during the Great War? I heard only once a mention about a hussars regiment from 1912, but nothing else.

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Or, the town garrison was placed in the Fortress or in another building? Since the fortress of Fogarasch was used as garrison since the 18th century, but a bit before and during the Great War was also prison for gypsies and then for Romanian POWs, I think there it was. Now, what other units served there except for the one already mentioned?

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