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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum


Sgt Stripes

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Hi. Does anyone know how many voyages HMT TRANSYLVANIA undertook before she was sunk on 4 May 1917 and if possible the destination's. Thank you  

Edited by Sgt Stripes
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There’s a couple of voyages I can give you that she undertook:-

Alexandria to Marseilles 29th March - 4th April 1916 &

Alexandria to Marseilles  18th - 23rd June 1916


Hope they help

Ps there is a November 1916 voyage, but I have no dates on that


Edited by Knotty
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Ok going through some diaries and found some more

Marseilles to Salonika  29th November - 6th December 1915,

Alexandria to Marseilles 1st - 8th June 1916


 Wasn’t she commissioned in May 1915?



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Found this little bit of info pre HMT

However, due to the war, she started Liverpool - New York sailings on 7th Nov.1914. On 4th Feb.1915 she was purchased outright by Anchor Line and transferred to the Glasgow - Liverpool - New York route. In May 1915 she became a troopship and was used on the Alexandria - Marseilles route

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On 1/18/2018 at 06:10, Sgt Stripes said:

Hi. Does anyone know how many voyages HMT TRANSYLVANIA undertook before she was sunk on 4 May 1917 and if possible the destination's. Thank you  


Are you interested in her voyages prior to being taken up as a transport?  I have several arrival dates in New York for 1914 and 1915 in service with the Anchor and Cunard lines.




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Hi Ralph . Yes I would be very please to see these dates as I am trying to trace her voyages  prior to her loss.  

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Here's what I have (from the Morton Allan Directory of European Passenger Steamship Arrivals).


Arrival dates at New York
Cunard Line (Liverpool-New York)
16 Nov 1914
15 Dec 1914
19 Jan 1915
5 Apr 1915
3 May 1915

Anchor Line (Glasgow-New York)
6 Apr 1915
4 May 1915


Note that the two last arrivals in the Cunard list are duplicated for the Anchor Line. If I understand correctly, these were Anchor Line voyages beginning at Glasgow and routed through Liverpool to augment Cunard's service.  If you're interested in the ship herself, technical descriptions and deck plans were published in various engineering and shipbuilding journals of the day.




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  • 2 years later...

Hello. This is my first time on this forum. I have a postcard showing the HMS Transylvania. It was amongst my grandfather's papers. He  has written 1915 on the picture side and the following on the back:

"Travelled to Dardanelles (Mudros) Sept 1915 on this ship. She was torpedoed off Malta in Oct 1915, her next trip, and sunk"

This does not match with all the information out there about this ship. Am I missing something? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

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Not HMS - she was a troopship, not an RN ship.


6 minutes ago, JSIMS said:

She was torpedoed off Malta in Oct 1915

She was sunk on 4 May 1917.

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Yes, that is my confusion. The postcard is printed with the name as HMS. So I'm wondering if there was another ship of the same name that went down in 1915?

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The only HMS TRANSYLVANIA was a WW2 Armed Merchant Cruiser which was sunk in August 1940. She was the follow-on namesake (1925) of this SS/HMT TRANSYLVANIA (1914) sunk in May 1917,

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Wiki has a few more details,listing the ship,same as above,as RMS (Royal Mail Ship) which would have been it's designation as a liner prior to duty as an HMT (Transport):


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  • 5 weeks later...
On 01/01/2021 at 10:40, JSIMS said:

Thanks Both, for your input. Perhaps my grandfather was talking about a different ship. I will keep looking.

Happy New Year!

Probably the same ship. I am currently transcribing the diary of a man from 1/5th  Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders. Although he is on SS Andania, (I think - as I try to sort it all out) he mentions that while they were at Alexandria overnight, "Troop ship Transylvania with 5,6 & 7th {HLI?} on board left on night of 13th {June} for same destination {Gallipoli}. Would HLI sound right? It's difficult to decipher. Any corrections are appreciated.

Mike Morrison

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Highland Light Infantry. Sorry for the initials only.


Mike Morrison

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Mike - don't apologise! I'm just an amateur trying to figure out my grandfather's war. I have no further information about the ship and who was on it other than what was on the postcard but if I unearth anything else I will let you know. I know very well what a challenge it is to transcribe old diaries - I did my grandfather's, but post-war, so good luck! Thanks for responding. It helps to put things in place.


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  • 3 months later...

Hi,  I’m new to the site, but already love that everyone is sharing important info.  My Granddad John Henry Hilton Goodale  (who I never knew) boarded the Transylvania on 19 Sept 1916 in either Birkenhead or Liverpool...similar I know! I’d love to know where the ship went in between time, before it was torpedoed and sunk on 4 May 1917. I’d also love to know if there is a record of how the survivors were rescued, where they went etc. I know John H H GOODALE arrived back in Liverpool on 14 May 1917. Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.

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The ship was sent down to the Mediterranean and was used to transport troops between Alexandria and Marseilles.


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Thank you 

On 29/05/2021 at 07:34, MSIDDA said:

Hi,  I’m new to the site, but already love that everyone is sharing important info.  My Granddad John Henry Hilton Goodale  (who I never knew) boarded the Transylvania on 19 Sept 1916 in either Birkenhead or Liverpool...similar I know! I’d love to know where the ship went in between time, before it was torpedoed and sunk on 4 May 1917. I’d also love to know if there is a record of how the survivors were rescued, where they went etc. I know John H H GOODALE arrived back in Liverpool on 14 May 1917. Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.



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  • 8 months later...

Hello everyone I've got a record from IWM SAL066 that indicates an HMT Transylvania voyage included entertainment on board on 4 November 1916. I hope this helps.

All the best


IWM_SAL066_Seamen Charities1.JPG

IWM_SAL066_Seamen Charities2.JPG

IWM_SAL066_Seamen Charities3.JPG

IWM_SAL066_Seamen Charities4.JPG

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