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Hi all,


I hope some one can point me in the right direction!


I'm looking for any academic papers relating to the Scots guards that tackle any aspect of the regiments time at war during World War One. I'll be clear, i'm not looking for books and diaries but topical (factual) discussion on the regiment. 


Failing that, other guards regiments of the same period will help aswell.


Thanks in advance,





  • 3 weeks later...


There may be something on the Scots Guards in the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research. Its on-line index, however, only goes back to 2007.




The Scots Guards used to produce an annual publication of which many had articles on actions they were involved in during the war.





There are numerous personal accounts by Great War Scots Guardsmen in The Scots Guards Magazine, but I'm not sure that they would fit your definition of "academic". It is strange, but in the bibliography of the two-volume Till the Trumpet Sounds Again I could not find one academic article. 




Thanks everyone for pointing me 7in new directions, I own the standard books written on their history as well a few first hand accounts so i'm always looking for new sources.


It seems strange that no one has critically assessed the regiments war in regards to casualties rates, survivability and infact overall effectiveness as a fighting force in an unbiased format.


My hope is that this leads me down a path to my dissertation!


Thanks again everyone!


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