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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Battle of Galați 1918

Morar Andrei

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Oly thing that I know about this unknown battle (not even mentioned in the history books) is that it took place betwen the romanian forces and a huge column of retreating russian soldiers that wanted to enter the town. The russians shelled the romanian positions and tried to forcely conquer Galați, but were stopped by the defenders and forced to sorrender, then escorted to the border and sent in Russia. It is also the only time in Romanian military history when they used combined land units, air support and naval bombardment to defeat a more numericly advanteged enemy. It's one of the more obscure battles, that took place at the beginning of 1918, and it's part of a longer series of battles betwen Romanians and Russian deserters or Bolsheviks, conflicts that would continue until 1919-1920. The numbers for this battle are not sure: approximately 450-500 romanian soldiers, adding then the population if Galați, against a few thousant russians. 


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Why did two allieds such as Romania and Russia get involved into a fight like this? This reminds about a lesser known chapter of the eastern european history, about the skirmishes betwen the eastern states and the newly formed Bolshevik Russia.

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