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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

What if Romanian joined the Central Powers during the war?

Morar Andrei

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The secret alliance with Germany from 1883 was a deffensive pact, created in case of a Russian invasion in Austria-Hungary, Romania or the German Empire. King Carol wanted to join the Central Powers at the beginning of the war, being german by origin (he was a member of the Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen family, related to the Kaiser), but he was not determined to do so because Austria-Hungary was the aggressor, and both his throne heir, Ferdinand, who was married to Mary, relative of Queen Victoria and pro-Entente supporter, and the population wanted to join Entente, to regain Transylvania from the hungarians. How could influence the fate of the war if Romania joined the Central Powers in 1914? Could they win the war faster? And what could possibly recive Romania if they fought with the germans? Thank you very much! Sorry if the picture doesn't match to the subject.


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Not sure that Romania on the other side would have had much of an effect - but imagine the world today if the Ottomans had joined the Allies.


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The Ottomans could have a large effect if joined the Entente. But even so, with a possible Entente victory and a still intact Russian and Ottoman Empire, would there not be possible some new Russian-Turkish wars (last one was in 1877)?

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I doubt the Ottoman's on the Allied side would have made a huge difference to the war - though the Balkan front could well have been very different.  The huge difference would be that the Ottoman Empire would not have been carved up by Britain and France, the Israeli state may not have happened, and the middle east would not have the huge anti-west chip on it's shoulder as a result.


Of course other things would have happened, the Imperial states may still have pushed there way into the cracks in the Ottoman Empire and a different set of mistakes led to a similar mess to today's. 

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Not to mention the reforms under Ataturk would have not happened, yes the Middle east would be a better or different place?


Also if Roumania came into the Central Powers earlier, arms would have arrived a lot earlier to the Ottomans and the Gallipoli battle would have been a lot different?


Would Central Powers Troops have to rush to support the Roumanian Armies if attacked by Russia in 1915, making the battles on the Eastern Front take on a new direction?



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It would have given the Russians a longer front to hold. There are also at the time 2 rail lines in Russia that lead to the Rumanian border which made troop and supply movements there difficult. The Central powers would have also got less in the way of food ect from Rumania as an ally than they did as an enemy.

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