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Where were the 8th Battalion of the South Staffordshire Regiment on the 15th February 1916. My grandmothers brother was killed with this Regiment on 16/2/16, he was 17 years old.

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Hi Peter

The Bn took over trenches from the 8th King's Own on the 7th Feb 1916. The trenches were South of Hill 60(Ypres) and just North of the Bluff at a place called the "Ravine". On the 14th the Germans exploded two mines under the British trenches. A German attack on trench 33 followed and during the 14th and 15th the Bn was heavily engaged in battle a few counter attacks followed.


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Hi Koyli

Thank you for the information. I did find a little bit of info on the Bluff regarding the 8th Bn on the 15th Feb 1916 so this ties in with your reply. Where did your information come from? My grandmothers brother 13779 Private George William Gould is remembered on the Menin Gate Memorial Panel 35 &37, his age is given as 20 but he was in fact 17 having lied about this to enlist.



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Hi Peter,

Myinformation comes from the war diary of which I have a copy. If you should be interested in the full account in WD, of the action at the Bluff, I will be happy to supply it.

Although you shouldn't put your hopes up to high, it is rather interesting if you are researching the Bn.



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Hi Koyli

Thanks for the offer. I don't think I can open WD as I have an Apple Mac, but I would be interested in read ing the diary extract for this period.



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Info taken from the History of the South Staffordshire Rgt

Regards Doug.


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Hello Peter,

Here is the war diary for from the 7th to the 17th Feb 1916.


February 1916


7th Battn. took over trenches from 8th King's Own Royal Regt. Relief complete by 9.15 pm.A quiet night. Casualties Nil.

8th A quiet morning. At 3 pm. we bombarded enemy with rifle-grenades. They retaliated with grenades & whiz-bangs. Our artillery active from 3.30 pm. to 4.15 pm. Casualties 2 wounded.

9th Trench glittering with staff officers all the morning otherwise nothing to note. There was some shelling by enemy behind trench 37 about 3.15 pm. Our guns bombarded Hill 60 & the caterpillar from 2 pm. to 4 pm. Casualties 1 wounded. A lot of men put out as soon as moon went down. About 10 pm. we threw bombs into enemy trench opposite trench 33. There was no retaliation Casualties 3 other ranks wounded.

10th A lot of shelling all day. Trenches 35,34,33 & Reserve Wood Battan H Qs were all shelled. Our artillery gave a lot of retaliation. About 3 pm. our heavies engaged their batteries & silenced them. A quiet evening. Casualties killed 2 O.R. wounded 7 O.R.

11th A quieter night than usual. About 10 a.m. Battan Hqs were heavily shelled by 5.9 crumps. Morning after that quiet. About 3 pm. a very intense bombardment was begun well north of us. At 5 pm. news of a gas attack up north was received. At 10 pm. we fired about 70 rifle grenades into enemy trenches. There was no retaliation. A lot of sniping at night & artillery activity by both sides. Casualties Nill.

12th A quiet morning. Enemey artillery bombarded 33,34 & 37 from 1 pm. to 3.30 pm. Reserve wood was also shelled. Casualties 1 killed & 1 wounded. Our bombers, machinegunners & snipers were relieved by BORDERS.

13th A quiet night. At 9 am. enemy commenced an organised bombardment of the Ravine, trenches 33 & 34. H.E. crumps, H.E. shrapnel, whiz-bangs & trench mortars were active the whole morning. Our retaliation was delayed but was effective when it came. Rifle grenades were employed for retaliation as well as our heavy guns. Killed 2 wounded 2.

14th/15th Morning. There was intermittent shelling & trench mortaring the whole morning. They appeared to be registering all over our sector.Our artillery retaliation was not very effective.

2.45 pm. Enemy commence trench-mortaring the ravine and trench 33.

3.30 pm. An intense bombardment of all our trenches & RESERVE WOOD and the RAVINE commences.

4.30 to 6 pm Enemy artillery was guided by coloured lights from the firing line. Every kind of shell was used by them, 5.9 & 8 in. especially. Our retaliation was quiet ineffective.

6 pm Two mines exploded by enemy. All communications to companies gone.

6.15 An orederly from firing line reports enemy advancing against trench 33 (B coy) & that A coy have very severe casualties. C.O. goes up to investigate and a duplicate message sent to Bde for reinforcements Lt E.H. PORTER reported killed.

6.35 pm Orderly from B coy reports no enemy in trench 33. Casualties very heavy. Orderly for s.b's sent to BEDFORD HOUSE. Two orderlies despatched to B coy for more information.

7 pm. C.S.M. Bird B coy reports no enemy on left north of ravine, but that enemy are advancing up ravine & have obtained a lodgment on south of ravine in right half of trench 33. Bde informed by orderly & bombs & S.A.A. sent up to A coy by all men that can be obtained.

7.15 pm. The C.O. returns wounded. No enemy south of ravine but in ravine & north of it. Detailed report sent to Bde.

7.30 pm A slight lull. Wounded evacuated & all S.A.A. & bombs sent up.

7.35 pm. 1 coy 7th Lincolns under Capt LEGARD report. They are sent to 34 S & North of ravine.

8 pm. 1 coy 7th Border regt. report for duty. They are sent to right end of Z line & R9 redoubt.

8 pm to 11 pm A lull. Enemy reported consolidating his position. He is reported to have taken from right half of trench 33 to trench 29 inclusive, including the BLUFF.

11.30 pm Counter-aatcks launched & a heavy barrage put up by our artillery.

11.45 pm Enemy commence very intensive bombardment.

12.15 am. Heavy M.G. & rifle fire opened on our trenches. Out of communication with all coys.

12.35 am Out of cummunication with Bde.

1 am. Lull in bombardment. 2 orderlies despatched to firing lines for news.

1.30am. Our filed-guns reported firing short. Communication re-established with artillery who are informed.

1.45 am 200 bombs arrive from Bde. 100 sent to B Coy & 100 to battn reserve store.

2.25 am Lt. SMYLY reports that he is short of bombs. Enemy are 2 bays across ravine on northern side and hold the remainder of trench 33. A stop has been built by our bombers in trench 33. but counter attack held up for want of bombs. Bde informed.

3 am Lt. BIRREL & our battn bombers arrive. He is at once swent up to right of 33 to deal with situation.

3.30 am A working party of 50 men from 7th BORDFER REGT in R9 sent to assist Coys rebuilding.

4.10 am Wire from Bde that 2nd. counter-attack will be made on trenches 29,30 &31 at 4.30 am. All quiet in our sector.

5.20 am. wire from Lt Smyly that enemy have rushed bombing-post in 32S on south side of ravine held by 7th Lincolns. Lt BIRREL ordered to retake.

6.10 am Lt Smyly reports Lt. BIRREL & our Battn bombers have retaken stop in 32S.

6.15 am Enemy recommence heavy bombardment of RESERVE WOOD with crumps. Our artillery fire intense retaliation.

8.25 am Situation reported to Bde-general over phone. Estimated casualties 6 officers and 112 O.R. ranks. Remainder of day very quiet. Enemy reported to have relieved in his captured trenches & to be busy consolidating.

8 pm. Bombardment by our arftillery of original enemy front line commences.

8.20 pm Our field guns reported firing short over 35 & 36 trenches.

8.55 pm Our bombardment & enemy retaliation most intense.

9 pm. Counter attack launched. Out of communication with all Coys.

9.35 pm. 2nd Lt. WILLCOCKS (liaison officer) reports that BORDER attack on south of ravine has failed but that S.STAFFORD attack is progressing slowly.

9.50 pm. Lt. MORGAN 7th. BORDER REGT. reports his attack on south of ravine has failed.

10 pm. 1000 bombs arrive from Bde.

10.15 pm Enemy recommence intense bombardment & open rifle & m.g. fire.

10.35 pm Bde directs us to re-organise BORDER bombers & reinforce our bombers with them.

10.40 pm 2nd. Lt. BARLOW reports that we have only advanced 2 bays & that enemy m.g. in his stop with 50 yards clear field of fire, having levelled all traverses to a spot 50 yards beyond these stops. All our efforts to rush it or advance have been beaten back by rifle & m;g. fire. A bright moon is preventing any surprise rush.

11 pm. Preparations made to try & rush enemy's stop when moon goes down.

16th 12.15 am The dressing station obtains direct hit from an 8 inch shell. About 12 men, Lt. B.B. GOUGH RAMC & Lt T.Y. BIRREL killed. Ordferlies sent for another doctor & stretcher bearers.

1 am A lull in bombardment. No news from right. Bde informed of position.

3.30 am Final plans made for assault on enemy' stop when moon goes down.

4.5 am Situation very unsettled. Intense rifle fire & m.g. fire on our right. Two zeppelins reported flying in a N.W. direction.

5.40 am Attack on enemy stop launched under 2nd. Lt. ELLIOT with 12 bombers & 75 bayonet-men.

7 am Capt Nas-Smith reports attack failed. 2nd.Lt. ELLIOT wounded. Attack within and ace of succeeding but bombers were not close enough to 2nd. Lt. ELLIOT who led attack to support him. Bde informed. Casualties 4 officers 40 O.R. Battan relived by 7th BORDER regt. Relief complete by 10.20 pm Battan proceed by busses to rest camp H.31.d.

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Anytime,just to add to Enoch's post,the year of publishing is 1969.

Regards Doug.

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