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69th East Anglian Division


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My grandfather served in the RAMC and I am told by the corp historian that from 1916 he was attached to the 69th East Anglican Division.

The only reference that I can find to the 69th is that it might have been part of, or associated with the 2nd East Anglian Divison and was disbanded at some point in 1918.

Has anyone any further knowledge of this division? or any tips where I might find more information regarding them.



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Hello Rod,

69th (2nd East Anglian) Division was indeed formed in 1914 as 2nd East Anglian Division (or 2/1st East Anglian.. various notations were used) as the second line to the original East Anglian Division. On 15 Aug. 1915 the 2nd East Anglian Division was numbered as 69th.

Late 1917 this division, together with 67th and 68th, reorganised and in January 1918 the territorial association was dropped, and the division became just known as 69th Division. The division existed till the end of the war, and was finally disbanded by March 1919.

As for the RAMC part, the division was formed with 2/2nd and 2/3rd East Anglian Fld Ambulances, later augmented with 3/1st East Anglian. In 1917 these were numbered as 322, 232 and 324, for 3/1st, 2/2nd and 2/3rd, resp.

Hope this is of some use.



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Thanks Weinand

Its all a bit confusing trying to trace where my grandfather actually served. I know from his medal record that he received the 1914 (Mons) Star. He is listed as being in the 1st London Sanitary Section RAMC which was a TF unit formed in 1913.

I made enquiries with the RAMC historian and he told me that that from 1916 he was attached to the 69th Division. I will have to research where they served.

Its the bit between 1914 and 1916 that is a bit of a blank, I guess these sort of units moved around from division to division quite a bit.

I remember that he once spoke of Passchendale but apart from that little is known, like so many of them he never really spoke about that time.

Thanks for your help, if you have any clues where I can look for the missing years that would be great.


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