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P1907 bayonet pommel markings


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Afternoon all, I am not really a bayonet man but couldn't resist these two today in a junk shop, both have interesting markings, the first is T.J.F.F 1016

the other has 


1D (think it's a D)



im guessing the first is a mans initials and service number?

the second a Royal Air Force unit??


would love your thoughts







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The TJFF one I will leave to 'm'learned friends' (for the time being!), but the RAF one is indeed a RAF one! Have a look at: http://1914-1918.invisionzone.com/forums/index.php?/topic/218466-raf-marked-bayonets/






PS: Oh, forgot to add... Would appreciate greatly details - i.e., maker, when issued, etc., which can be posted here or there on the other thread? This is for an on-going project!

Edited by trajan
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Thanks for now, I'm in a rush so will reply tomorrow but here are photos of stamps etc, both Sanderson

first pics are the TJFF





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Here are the markings for the RAF one





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The dreaded horizontal E is back with the 9 or 10 18 but not the 5 18 Sanderson.

Very strange !




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15 minutes ago, JMB1943 said:

The dreaded horizontal E is back with the 9 or 10 18 but not the 5 18 Sanderson.

Very strange !




JMB .... more detail please as this means nothing to me 



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Sorry Andy,


I had actually posted that for Trajan's benefit, without explaining it.


In your very last photo (the RAF bayonet), it shows an X-bend test mark, a broad arrow (govt. ownership) and either side of the X mark are two inspectors stamps.

Crown over 2V over E (crown/2V/E) where E denotes the inspector appointed by Royal Small Arms Factory, Enfield to check the bayonets; these stamps are perfectly normal.


The corresponding stamps on the TJFF bayonet are crown/G3/E, where the E is now horizontal, rather than the expected vertical.

This is the 4th/5th example that I have seen, but ONLY with Sanderson bayonets.

They seem to have occurred in late '17 or mid/late '18.


Two nice bayos by the way !!

Edit: have never seen the TJFF unit stamp.



Edited by JMB1943
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Thanks for everybody's input on this, very interesting.

well done with the Transjordan frontier force, never heard of it but certainly sounds like it could be correct, will research further.

if anybody would like any other info on these bayonets for the ongoing project I will be happy to provide



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And thanks garfarboy for the details on these, especially the RAF one, and to JMB for clarifying the horizontal 'E'! Are the others also by the G3 inspector?  

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