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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Rolls Royce Command Car?

Sgt York

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Help needed with attached photo.

The officers standing next to the car are 'Scottish Horse', the photo probably taken after February 1916 when the Scottish Horse arrived in Egypt.

Locations of Scottish Horse:

Malta enroute to Sulva 1915

Gallipoli 1915

Egypt 1916

Salonika 1916-1918

Taranto enroute to France

France 1918

Can the location be identified?

Is the car a RR Silver Ghost?

The car registration is 'C 196' followed by what appears to be Arabic.

Would the 'C' stand for Cairo?

Is it possible to learn of the cars history using the registration?

Any help would be appreciated.



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The Arabic script is called Jawi and it reads C196. Makes sense really. This points to the picture being taken in Egypt.

Only a guess but could the C stand for Cairo?


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I suggest you try writing to Rolls Royce for information. My guess is that they probably still have records of ownership/history. There are still Silver Ghosts about and RR can still maintain them. Will you please post, when you get a result?


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The Scottish Horse provided soldiers for Companies of the Camel Corps.

Also the 26th Camel MG Company was a Regt of the Scotish Horse.


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Raster, Tom, John,

Thanks for your replys.

I intend to contact RR, but was waiting to see if the 'Pals' could come up with something.

I will most certainly post any info I receive from RR onto the forum.



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Thanks for the extra info on the 'Scottish Horse', I wasn't aware of their connection with the ICC.

I've posted a photo on 'The Place To Play' that may interest you.


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If I may,

I was looking again at the photo and I'am not sure that it is in Egypt?

Haveing been to Cairo that photo of the car in a city is to clean for Cairo. Also The grating around the trees, as well as the many trees are not like Cairo.

I thinking it may be France or some western country?

As it doesn't look like an Arab City.

This is not a racist comment but a statement of possible fact.


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Doesnt the uniform look tropical?

Though i do have to admit that the surroundings look very westernised and theres not a lot of sand around or on the ground? Very puzzling!

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I'm came to that conclusion myself for some of the reasons you stated - I thought the architecture looked Balkan/Mediterranean. The Scottish Horse did leave Egypt for Salonika arriving in October 1916. They eventually ended the war in France after arriving there in June 1918 via Taranto, Italy.


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If I am not mistaken the Officer appears to have the four Service strips on his right sleave, so the photo must be around 1918?

There is also a woman in the back ground in western dress. In fact the strange thing is the lack of people in the photo.


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Not to detract from the above but Edwardian Cairo was far more westernised than it is today.


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