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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

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Have a little patience--this is my first posting!


1. I am interested in information on Nursing Sister Nellie Claire McCurdy and Captain Stuart MacVicar Fisher who went over on the Franconia with the First Canadian Contingent in the Fall of 1914.  Both served at no. 2 Canadian stationary hospital, though were posted at other medical units from time to time.  I do have their personnel files from the LAC and I have reviewed the war diary for No. 2 Canadian Stationary Hospital, but am in search of more information.  Nellie and Stuart were married in November 1917, which is when Nellie had to resign from the Canadian nursing sister service because she was married.  Dr. Fisher finished out the war in Orphington at the Ontario General Hospital.


2.  I do know that many nurses wrote letters to the families of the wounded and I wonder if any of Nellie's letters are still surviving.  Anyone have any idea for a strategy (aside from dumb luck) for finding such letters?


3.  My grandmother left a photograph album of her service in World War 1 but it is clear that the photographs came from different sources--different sizes of photographs, different paper, different processing...can anyone enlighten me as to common sources for photo albums kept by nursing sisters or other serving military members in World War 1? 

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Welcome! You might want to also post this on the CEF Study Group forum. Good luck with your search!


All the best,



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  • 2 months later...

Hi Elizabeth. I came upon your post because I am researching WW1 nurses ... but when I read the name of your grandfather, I realized we have a very tangential but interesting connection. My grandmother moved to London, Ontario, from London, England, as an orphan after the war. She had a very difficult childhood, but by about age 20 (1930 or so) she had fallen in love with a young university student and their future together looked bright. Sadly he became very ill, and was diagnosed with a brain tumour, from which he died shortly thereafter. His doctor, according to the death record, was your grandfather -- Stuart MacVicar Fisher. That doesn't help you with your search, I know! But I thought I would point you to your grandparents' pages on Lives of the First World War: https://livesofthefirstworldwar.org/lifestory/5869816 and https://livesofthefirstworldwar.org/lifestory/5619438. I volunteer at this site, mostly working with women's records, but I also do my own family research there. Lastly, have you heard of the Canadian Letters and Images Project? http://www.canadianletters.ca/. You might try searching it for people or places connected to your grandparents -- for instance others who served at the same hospitals or were from the same places and so on. It's a really lovely site.

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