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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

WWI practice tunnels found under Salisbury Plain


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Googling "WWI practice tunnels found under Salisbury Plain" will lead to a number of articles in today's media including:


BBC Regional News


Meridian News


It's not clear in the latter how much, if any, of the contemporary film footage was made on the Plain.


Very impressive. I know there were many sets of practice trenches on and near to the Plain, but hadn't realised there were tunnels.





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My wife just heard this on the news in Canberra, Australia.

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There's quite a bit of interest in Australia about Salisbury Plain during the Great War, with people visiting the area to see where (great) grandad served - and around now to attend one of the ANZAC Day ceremonies held at various cemeteries.. From mid-1916 the local camps accommodated mainly ANZAC troops, and it's probable they were the major patrons of the practice trenches.



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Also a good


Daily Mail article


(not sure about the "secretly trained" reference)


As an another aside, I haven't come across many references in soldiers' (auto-)biographies to spending time in practice trenches - which I would have thought was a highlight of their training.



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Corporal Weathers is buried in the Commonwealth cemetery at Vendhuile in northern France. His headstone is identical to hundreds scattered around Larkhill.


Being pedantic, no it isn't.  It is unique to those of other awardees of the VC in that they carry a carved representation of the award, but then  most CWGC headstones can  be said to be truly unique in that each carries a different inscription...




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