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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Richard Francis Tennant RAMC


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Am searching for information on a relative of mine who served with the RAMC in WW1.  He was in the 69th Field Ambulance, service no. 34497.  Have looked at the war diaries but can only find up to where they went to Italy and nothing after.  He died in Italy on the 21st July 1918.  He apparently drowned according to his Medal roll index cards.  Was just wondering if anyone could find out any more info for me or where to look.




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Oops, I see you've pulled out the WDs so my comment on getting them copied is...gormless! Sorry and good luck in the hunt.



Edited by Bernard_Lewis
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If you post his name, address, wife/parents' names etc it might help as someone may have already researched the unit or a local war memorial on which his name appears. Not knowing who he is or where he is from makes that more difficult.


Have you checked Ancestry service and pension records? Many were bombed in WW2 so his may be 'lost'. Have you tried the local press of the time? Some 'old' newspapers are online, others can usually be viewed on microfilm at the local town library.


Beyond that a hard-slog through any surviving church and school magazines for that town might throw up a mention of him. Not easy options but until you look, you don't know...


Good luck!



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Thanks for your reply Bernard, yes no record of his service and pension records so guessing they are part of the ''lost' ones. Was just hoping someone may know if there are records of the war diaries for when they went to Italy.  Am in Australia so can mostly only use the internet for my research.


Thanks again.




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This war diary is at the National Archives and seems to cover the dates you're interested in. 




There are people who will copy files at 20p a page, if that's any help.



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There is a very good file of illustrations of the various Dressing Stations that the 69th occupied in Flanders and Italy in the Museum of Military Medicine. They were done by AR Watt amongst others. You may also find them online at the Wellcome Library.



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Thank you Bernard and Pete, will check the national archives and wellcome library sites out and see what I can find.


Thanks again



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