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Captain Karl Ferdinand Juulman


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Captain Karl Ferdinand (known as Carl Ferdinand) Juulman, late Royal Engineers ( France) then 45th Bn Royal Fusiliers for Russia.

Great war pair of medals to Private 236905 C.F. Juulman Royal Engineers recently found in Germany.

His Medal Index Card has him moving to the Royal Fusiliers as GS/128838, Private, City of London Regiment (The regimental number is consistent with the 45th battalion in Russia) in France 
Prior to Russia he served with the R.E.Wireless. Depot as Sapper 236905., G.H.Q. Signals Company. R.E.

Born in Russian, Estonia in 1885, (I have yet to find out his residence in the UK prior to enlisting or when)

However what I have is a rare group photo of "interpreters" "Draft 158" that came with the group, note the officer in the middle "H C Platts"


Note; the MIC for Lt Harold Clayton Platts (centre of photo) has his only service as North Russia, winning the MC, with 385th Field Company R.E.


This would have been a draft of volunteers to serve in Russia.


No note of his war service in France is recorded however the medal roll has him as a signaller working in GHQ in France; as such he would have made some contact with many British army intelligence officers.

In 1920 we have an Estonian registration card as well as his Naturalization details noted in the London Gazette December 1923

"Juulmann, Karl Ferdinand (known as Karl Ferdinand Juulman); Estonia; Attached to Intelligence Department, British Army
on the Rhine; Intelligence Office, Cologne, British Army of the Rhine. 13 November, 1923"

The head of which was Colonel Thomas Henry Kendrick SIS/Mi6.

In 1931 he lived in Hornsey then to 8 Cholmeley Park London, N.6 until 1934

In 1934 we find him living in Berlin as Charles Juulman, address  30, Bamberger Str. 15, B 6 Cornelius 02 91 Berlin until 1938 (conjecture but it could be he worked with Frank Foley https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Foley).


In 1939 again registered as Charles Juulman, working as an "Examiner" Passport Office British Embassy, Bern, Switzerland.


Pass port offices were used as cover for SIS/Mi6

Carl was commissioned into the Intelligence Corps in 1940 and is noted in the MII9 and Combined Services Detailed Interrogation Centre (CSDIC) Archives as working at Latimer House  http://amershamhistory.info/research/wars/latimer-house/ he is also identified in Helen Fry’s book on Kendrick “Spymaster: The secret life of Kendrick”

To confirm his work and how close to Kendrick here is a photo of the SIS team working at CSDIC, 

Demobilised in 1945, Carl died in 1948 in London

Should anyone have any further information or corrections please let me now







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Two mystery photos, one appears to be a reunion and the other "mobilisation" ? welcome your thoughts

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juulman 246.JPG

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1939 Census has him called Charles and passport examiner Bern Switzerland with the comment “A/Sgt 10th Royal Fusiliers”

His wife Christine Sybilla Juulman died in 1943

Demobilised 1n 1945, he lived with his son Cecil Oliver Lembitt Juulman in Potters Bar until his death in 1948, Cecil died aged 90 on the 3rd June 2017 in Munich Germany.

The medals came from Cecil’s estate  

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Dear leibregiment,

What a fascinating story. Good work!

It just shows what research possibilities a modest Pair can reveal.

Kindest regards,


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